Returning to Excalibur

Hi all!

I have a main on another server, but I wanted to revisit some old friends on Excalibur. I had been in OTG quite a while ago (still under the name Katami) and I look forward to catching up with old friends and making new ones!

I know the game, so I’m not really in need of any guidance and I don’t mind spoilers, but I’d love to have people join me in roulettes and raids all the same! Leech that newbie bonus off of me :hugs:

A little bit about myself, I really love taking screenshots and drawing! I might spend more time on my main data center, but I’ll do my best to be active here still ^^

Thanks and see you around!

Hi Katami! I, too, am a screenshot addict. I noticed your username isn’t set to member access, so can you please head here and make a post to get your account set up properly: Just created your New Forum account? Already an OTG member and want to see all the member-only stuff?