Rejoining World of Warcraft

Hello all!
I am rejoining World of Warcraft and I am retribution paladin with Alliance. I have not played in almost a year I think. I went through some prior postings, but before I commit to changing servers, I want to make sure.
What Alliance server are we on? Who do I contact in the server to receive an invite? As stated I am ret pally and these days I only have time to play casually.


Hi and welcome. Alliance is on several connected servers. Our primaries are Anvilmar and Undermine.

We are also connected to Alterac Mountains, Balnazzar, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Warsong, and Xavius. Being on any of these lets you join OTG.

Here is the link below to request joining Alliance. If you have any other questions, please ask.


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For any chapter you wish to join, check out the Chapter Information sections for that group. Those sections have all the info you need to know!

Thank you so much!