Real Life Crafting!

Very nice!


Although it can go dormant for a while, building things keeps me sane. What I build can vary with whatever shiny thing is in my brain at the moment. Welding projects, flying model planes from the 30’s and 40’s, etc.


Kelryth & Lyn : AngelFire is also a Veterans Memorial. Can’t help but chime in with info as. . .I continue to be affected I suppose.

Now, Hobbies.
I hug cats, volunteer often, stained glass, macramé, MMO’s, done some pine needle basket weaving and when my eyes crap out, I listen to audio books.
MMO’s, RPG lots.


My Goodness that Quilt is so Beautiful. I have attempted quilts and have embroidery machine. I need a magnifier for straight lines otherwise all cattywampus.

I would also love to have a space to spill paint awesome. I do oils, but you’d have to use your imagination as they are not worldly scenes. giggle

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I do models mostly Gundam or Bandai Star Wars kits, some other planes that I like. I also paint GK (Garage Kits) anime and some GK busts, and some reaper miniatures. I bought an Ender 3 Pro 3D Printer back last amazon days and I have been working / modding / printing as I can on it too.


WOW, everyone has blown me away with how Artistic and crafty you all are.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :scream_cat:


These are awesome! I love tha airplanes.

I’m a beginning woodworker … been at it about 5 years, but the only training I had was when I was a freshman in high school (25 years ago!) … and some half watched you tube videos. I make it about half way before I venture into the garage to make some mistakes. I’ve only made things for my friends…at this point… I’m thinking that I’ll have more time when my kids go to college. Or maybe I should just start ignoring them now and no longer be involved with their activities… jk.

I made a website, mostly because it’s funny … none of my RL friends play games, but they know about my gaming, so they get a chuckle when I tell them my woodworking site is …


I don’t really do any crafts. I do have some pretty typical hobbies, like reading and other mundane stuff like that. But the one I get most caught up in is playing the guitar. (And I use the term “playing” very loosely. LOL!)

Any other wannabe musicians out there? :slight_smile:

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OK, this thread needs a refresh for quarantine projects! What have you been up to, my crafty peeps?

Because I’m slacker and spend too much time playing games, I only did one quilt top during lockdown, but here 'tis. It still needs to be quilted.


That is gorgeous, Mosselyn.

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Wow. Just beautiful. That is really pretty.

Here is my project. The design is by Tony Minieri, a needlepoint guru, and he created the design in honor of a woman in Houston, based on the sari she was wearing.


That’s gorgeous, Mid!