Question about alignment

I like this new system because I can know do all of the stories. I wanted to do the sage story using the sorc/assassin combat styles but I found out they are only available once you have reached dark 5 alignment. So I’m asking if anyone has any tips as to how to level dark alignment faster. Right now I am at dark 4.

I found these and don’t know if they are still valid… It’s 2018.

I also found something more recent from swtorista in 2020.

Thanks I actually just sat here and did diplomacy crew missions over and over till I hit dark 5. With all of the new changes it looks like to me the main ways are the first flashpoint and diplomacy missions.

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Yes, you are correct. Anywhere you can pick the dark side (or light side ) options will let you get your alignment. There are currently no game mechanics requiring the alignment.

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