Pax Dei


I can confirm that the launcher installs to C drive regardless of and in addition to any custom location you point the installation to. The downloading/updating feels slow as crap even with P2P turned off.

Is anyone going to be in Discord? If so, which channel?

I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I got on the Elysium server.

People are already in game?

I played very briefly on my lunchbreak. Long enough to gather a few resourced, craft a few basic things and then die falling down some cliffs and also die again trying to swim across a small body of water.

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The update is horrendous. 2+ hours waiting for it to download. Once it hit 70%, it started slow loading 1% at a time. Ugh…I forgot what Alpha is all about.

Yeah, I avoid playing games on the very first day, I’m taking off Friday

Did you disable P2P in the launcher settings?

Well, the first install of the update that stalled at 99% was done with P2P on. The second install of the update that has stalled at 99% was with P2P turned off.

Oof, I feel ya. I had this kind of problem with the last Pantheon Alpha test download.

I’m probably going to let it run overnight and see what happens.

I am restarting on another server. I realized I started on the European servers so that was silly of me.

I started on Elysium server as well. If anyone else is on Elysium let me know and we can try to link up. I only played for an hour or two, but I think they have a clan/guild tool available, although I have no idea how it works yet.

(Myrrdynn on Elysium)

When I get back on, I will look at your server, I jumped on a lower population server and it seems pretty well, I’ll look you up tonight

So, I am really liking the feel of this game, how about the rest of you?

I just played the alpha together with my sister, was pretty rough at start due to download/update problems and the learning curve for how to efficiently level in at least a few of their crafting areas, etc, but once we got settled in we had a really great time and are very much looking forward to early access. I was with OTG ages ago in DDO and figured I’d check back to see if there was a Pax Dei group, I sure hope one forms up.

I also just played the Wilderness Alpha , with my brother. I was really hoping they would extend but am consoling myself with thoughts that EA is supposed to happen soon. I would love to be a part of an OTG clan.

We’ve probably got about 2 months or so until early access starts up (based on their most recently announced plans). I’ve looked in the help center trying to find something about the process for starting up a new game chapter, but am not finding anything – are any of you here already looking into that?

I played a bit and had fun. Add me to the list

We just got a Pax Dei channel set up on the OTG Discord server,
Pax Dei Channel on OTG Discord
so I’ll encourage interested folk to chime in over there too