OTG Star Citizen Flight Group Events

I think Simdor got busy in RL and no one else stepped up to run them so it sitting in idle. I’ll likely be reaching out but not until the flight controls from SQ42 make it over to the PU. I don’t want to learn bad habits only to have to unlearn them.


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Gotcha, thanks!

And LOL re bad habits. I hear ya. :smiley:

We were doing it regularly then it kinda fizzled.
I am always happy to start up regular flight nights but have to be a different night. (Wed are my D&D night as well)

I think once we get the 4th quarter patch with Pyro we will have a lot more interest in regular multi-crew stuff.
We’ll see.

Pyro is going to pull me in…I think honestly once 3.22 drops I will start playing more often. The verse lacks staying power right now. But Pyro should bring us all some enjoyment. I definatly want to check out all the new tech as it comes online. I think the next year is going to be huge for what we see in the verse. If they really do all the things they said at citizencon. It will be fun.

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I have to admit, I jumped in yesterday and it wasn’t bad. I ran some missions, crashed some ships and paid some fines. I did revert to a Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X instead of dual T.1600M for ease of setup and learning. The in game interface seems better now than in previous years but I still struggle with navigation and jump waypoints. I’ll need to generate some income in game to keep playing, given my sketchy piloting skills and affinity for accumulating fines. I’m giving it another run after work today. Also, I’m leaning towards the Star Runner as the all-around ship for now.

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They are also running a “ground” shooter event which is fun. Ran it a couple times so far. Kind of a glimpse of Squadron 42 I guess…


SC has been pretty smooth for me lately. I’ve only been doing trade runs and delivery box missions, though.

I was playing on the Arena side the other day and noticed that too. Alot of the areas are running smoother.
I’ve been starting to play some of the FPS game modes, absolutly had a blast with the tank battles the other day.

I am looking forward to see what they do this year with all the content that they are putting in.

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Great to know. Haven’t played in a while. Been playing WH 40K Darktide but maybe I’ll d/l SC and load in to check things out.