OTG Early Access FAQ

This FAQ is a work in progress, but will be kept up-to-date as we have more information about early access, headstart, etc.

Who can I contact for help?

  • @Design here on the forum | Design5933 on Discord via Direct Message | Design In-game
  • Furyfist: greyskinorfuryfist on Discord | GreyCleric In-Game
  • Nagasakee: Nagasakee on Discord | Nagasakee in-game
  • Bambi: Bambi on Discord | Aleynare or Gwennae in-game

On which server will the OTG guild be created?
OTG will be based on the HAVENSONG server.

How will I get an invitation to the guild once I’m in-game?
In order to receive an in-game invitation, we need to verify that the character we’re inviting is an actual OTG member. I’ve reserved a post in this thread for EA character names. Once you’re in-game, either reply in this thread or to the Pantheon Discord channel and we’ll get you in.

Thankfully, you do NOT need to be located in the same zone in order to receive an invitation.

What happens if/when they do a server wipe?
If the servers are wiped but the list of server names stays the same (or at least includes the one we were on pre-wipe) then we’ll continue on HAVENSONG.

Which channel(s) should we use for groups on Discord?
If you’re looking for a dedicated voice channel to use while playing in groups, you’ve got two main options:

  1. Under the Public section, there are existing channels for group-1, group-2, etc.
  2. Under the Temp Channels section, you can create a temporary channel by posting the following in the #bot-lobby channel:

!ch create nameofyourchannel

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Early Access Character Names (for Membership Confirmation):

  • Design: Design
  • Furyfist: GreyCleric
  • Grayel: Grayel (Elven Shaman), Quindara (Human Summoner)
  • Begara: Margo (Halfling Dire Lord), Garl (Dwarven Paladin)
  • Dukemiester: Tilale (Human Shaman)
  • Kagnor: Kagnor (Dwarf Cleric)
  • Scoot: Laust (Halfling Ranger), Laust (Halfling Ranger), Algonquin (Dwarf Paladin), Haele (Human Cleric), Shaem (Elf Shaman)
  • Renanton: Renanton (Human Shaman), Algonquin (Dwarf Paladin)
  • Scurge: Betel (Dwarf Shaman)
  • Mashidar: Mome
  • gpfryguy: Altarfry (Dwarf Cleric)
  • Einelinea: Einelinea (Human Wizard)
  • Beo: Beo (Human Necromancer)
  • Bubba: Bubbaz (Summoner)
  • Adventria: Jianah (Dwarf Paladin), Bukaria (Human Summoner), Ashanta (Elf Paladin), Jazriel (Elf Summoner)
  • Lorhald: Condril (Human Rogue), Fumess (Wizard)
  • Vanleer: Sartori (Human Monk), Gnarbone (Ogre Shaman)
  • Grymmlocke: Grymmlocke (Elf Ranger)
  • Uther: Junar (Human Warrior)
  • Steele: Steele (Dwarf Warrior), Aurazure (Wood Elf Ranger), Phinigel (Dark Myr Summoner)
  • Stu: Implode (Human Summoner), Malachi (Human Shaman), Josiah (Human Paladin), Abner (Human Wizard)
  • beernutz: Pnut (Fishy Necromancer)
  • Halapenyo: Blackstone (Human Wizard)
  • Nahteviro: Badaboom
  • Arkian: Glubglop
  • bigdumbchimp: Sivaad (Elf Summoner)
  • Jalinah: Jalinah, Selareen

Drop your character name(s) in this thread once you’ve reserved them and/or created the character to get added to this list.

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Reserved Part Deux

Pantheon characters created and ready for guild invites on Havensong: Grayel (Elven Shaman), Quindara (Human Summoner).

Pantheon characters created and ready for guild invites on Havensong: Margo (Halfling Dire Lord), Garl (Dwarven Paladin)

Dukemiester: Tilale (Human Shaman)

Kagnor: Kagnor (Dwarf Cleric)

Scoot: Laust (Halfling Ranger)

Renanton (Human Shaman)
Algonquin (Dwarf Paladin)

Betel (Dwarf Shaman)

gpfryguy: Altarfry (Dwarf Cleric)

Scoot: Aae (Halfling Rogue)

Character name - Einelinea — human
Wizzard – yea, I know – very original lol

I still have to figure out Discord - had to
start all over with new account because
I lost all the information

Eli is the only toon I am playing atm

Found my new Discord name ---- Elinea 9900 – I will start to look for you guys - adding to friends list

Scoot: Haele (Human Cleric)

Beo forum name + character name, human necro.

I usualy play on Server 0, just send me a DM on discord. We will get you all in


Scoot: Shaem (Elf Shaman)

Bubba: Bubbaz (summoner)

Adventria: Jianah-dwarf paladin already created and Bukaria - human summoner created

also Ashanta - elf pally and Jazriel- elf summoner both already created