New @ OTG

Hi Everyone!!
My husband and I just submitted applications to join OTG and hopefully a guild in BDO. I have a couple questions though. What is the entire process . How long does it take to be accepted here on this forum? How do we become eligible for a guild in game? Is the guild leaders here that invite? Is there a thread that we can submit applications for guilds in game? Is there only 1 large guild? Or several? Is there particular channels (servers) that we have to play on? And after being accepted here in this forum how long does it take to be accepted in a guild in the game? Thanks for helping me out with responses :slight_smile:


Hello sunshine! Well great news… we have lots of married couples in our guild… like loads, really. We have a document that answers ALL of your questions and it is accessible once you get ‘member’ status on the forums. In the meantime, in your excitement (I know, it’s awesome isn’t it?!?) I will do my best to answer these questions while you await the cool blue nametag our members get.

  1. What is the entire process?
    a) Register on the forums (Age 25+) -
    b) Apply to the online community
    c) Get accepted and receive member status. (Usually completed within 48 hours)
    d) Fill out a BDO Chapter application: (This link will only be available to individuals with ‘member’ status on the forums.)
    e) Get accepted to chapter (Usually completed within 24 hours)
    f) If you do not have discord, you can download it here:
    (There is also a mobile version, and it’s awesome!) You will need to join the BDO Chapter Discord and request to be invited to the in game guild (Be on Serendia 4). The link can be found in our chapter guidelines, which you will receive in your welcome letter. You can also view them here once you get ‘member’ status on the forums:

  2. How long does it take to be accepted here on this forum?
    a) Online community: within 48 hours usually
    b) BDO Chapter: within 24 hours usually

  3. How do we become eligible for a guild in game?
    For the BDO chapter, you are eligible once you complete the chapter application linked above and receive an approval letter. We have no gear score requirements. You must be 25 or older as is the policy for the online community. If you will be AFK for more than 7 days we ask that you post your BDO family name and the dates you intend to be away to the AFK thread in the BDO Private forum. The reason for this is because we have members on the waitlist to join the active guild (more on that in a moment). You can find the link for the AFK thread in the BDO Chapter Guidelines mentioned above.

  4. Is the guild leaders here that invite?
    Our guild leader (known by our community as the chapter leader) doesn’t handle invitations to the guild (not generally). Our chapter leaves the duty of forums administration, game management, and application processing to our chapter officers. We also have chapter NCOs whose jobs are mostly completed within the game itself (pulling guild missions, renewing contracts, scheduling events, etc). The link to our current chapter staff can be found in our Chapter Guidelines link above.

  5. Is there a thread that we can submit applications for guilds in game?
    Yes. Once your forums membership has been approved and you receive ‘member’ status, you can apply to our chapter here:

  6. Is there only 1 large guild? Or Several?
    The BDO Chapter of OldTimersGuild actually has 2 guilds in game due to the 100 member cap placed on guilds. Our chapter has approximately 150 people. Because we cannot have all of our members in one guild, we decided as a community to divide the guilds and label them as follows:

  • The first guild is what we call the Active Progression guild. It is commonly referred to as OldTimersGuild. People who join this guild typically play often, will usually be found in Discord, communicate through guild chat, like to do guild missions, may participate in Sea Beast Hunting or Node Wars from time to time, and enjoy doing guild boss scrolls or grouping for other activities. There is sometimes a waitlist to join this guild. If you apply and the Active Progression guild is full, you will be assigned a waitlist number and invited to the Overflow/AFK/Life Skills guild in the meantime.

  • The second guild is what we call the Overflow/AFK/Life Skills guild. It is commonly referred to as OTG. People who join this guild generally play infrequently, may spend most of their time AFK fishing/horse training/combat training or the like, enjoy the slow pace and minimal activity.

  1. Is there particular channels (servers) that we have to play on?
    Serendia 4 is our home server. This does NOT mean you must play on Serendia 4. What this means is that ALL guild missions, contract renewals, and guild summon scrolls will be completed on this server. If you wish to participate in these things when they happen, then you will want to be on Serendia 4 when they happen. Otherwise, whichever server you prefer is fine to play on. We strongly encourage new members who are also new players or returning players to take advantage of the extra experience available through the Olvia servers if you have access to them. You can change servers once every 15 minutes in BDO so feel free to explore.

  2. After being accepted here in this forum, how long does it take to be accepted in a guild in the game?
    It usually takes us less than 24 hours to process a BDO Chapter application. If you would like to bring our attention to the fact that you have posted it and possibly expedite that application processing time, you can find our discord information in our BDO Chapter Guidelines, connect to it, and tag ‘@officer’.

If you have any additional questions, you can also PM me on discord. My discord ID is MurphysLaw#5525.