First off, before I get into my own opinion or any feedback I have I want to remind our folks that OTG is built on the principle of Fun not Drama.
Having researched and read hundreds of old OTG posts on this topic from other chapters over the past few weeks to try to get a better understanding of how best to tackle our current situation. My goal was to understand how to work within the system rather than try to circumvent it. The greatest take away I came away with was that keeping things constructive and civil, presenting actionable suggestions appears to lead to the best results. However, when things become uncivil or people start to argue or make personal attacks on one another the admins come in and shut the discussion down.
I think we need this discussion. I think its valid and reasonable to have but, let’s be sure we keep it civil and respectful so that we can continue the discussion and not get ourselves shut down.
I’m interested in positive and constructive change, I know you all are too, and I think together we can promote the changes that the broader active members seek if we do this right.
I say all this as a word of warning early before this very hot and likely passionate topic gets rolling down a specific path.
steps down from soap box
@carolinaed which officer or admin did you talk to about this? It is my understanding this sort of thing specifically is frowned upon. I highlighted the relevant portion for emphasis in the quote below.
I floated the idea of a new company that members could opt-into but only as a means to get around having more than 100 active 20 day members. I haven’t been part of any discussions centered on the desire of a broader interest of members in pursuing territorial ownership again. I’m curious who among our active members is actually interested in that level of PVP commitment. It would be nice to know.
Regarding the company creation I think doing this would require permission from current officers and our admin liaison which I think is Cefwyn.
I am very interested to know if we’ve actually been given the green light on that or not.
I think we have a number of individuals who would make great leaders but, I think it should be up to them to volunteer themselves. The best officers in guilds are those who want to do it, not those who are coaxed into it because no one else wants to do it. Sadly, a lot of times most officers come from that latter pool of players.
That said, I will publicly make known that I have already communicated to the current leadership an offer to take on any role that allows me to be a steward and help facilitate the needs and desires of the current active members. I had previously offered this back before we were merged twice now, but at the time we had quite a few still active officers. I’ve offered again because right now we simply don’t.
That said I do live on the west coast, I do still work, and I have a 5 year old and that all to varying degrees affects the time of day when I can be on and available in any capacity. I will always try to contribute to the chapter I am involved with regardless of a title, that’s just who I am.
I respect that you feel that our chapter leadership has acted in this way and can empathize with how that can make one feel as an active member. There are a few of us trying to work within the confines of the established SOP for OTG. I think we all have the same goal to see OTG as a guild be successful in any chapter and it just takes time for some changes to come to fruition. I know for those of us who play copious amounts of hours each day that it can seem like forever but I have faith that we’ll eventually get there.
I do personally appreciate the time, effort, and energy each and every member of OTG’s leadership has invested in not only our chapter in the past but in OTG as a community.
I also greatly appreciate all the stuff our active members do for one another to make OTG such a phenomenal guild to be a part of.