I didn’t pick up Jewelry crafting until Legion so i missed out on the wonderful Cat mounts that were crafted in game during Mists. I got bored recently and went back and learned the reps & recipes for these wonderful flying mounts.
Here is all the info for anyone wanting one of the smaller ones or if bold enough wanting the Jeweled Onyx.
I have all the recipes on both the JC & Alchemist needed for this mount. If you have any questions, let me know.
Crafting is free of charge.
- Trevain
Jeweled Onyx Panther is a new flying panther mount made by Jewelcrafters. It’s crafted by fusing together four other new Jewelcrafting mounts:
Sunstone Panther,
Jade Panther,
Ruby Panther,
Sapphire Panther. They each take an
Orb of Mystery which costs 20,000, so that’s a lot of money between crafting the mounts to collect as well as the mounts to combine together!
Jewelcrafters can purchase these recipes from San Redscale with Order of the Cloud Serpent reputation.
Design: Jade Panther: Honored,
Orb of Mystery, 20x
Wild Jade, 4x
Living Steel, 2x
Serpent’s Eye
Design: Sunstone Panther: Honored,
Orb of Mystery, 20x
Sun’s Radiance, 4x
Living Steel, 2x
Serpent’s Eye
Design: Sapphire Panther: Revered,
Orb of Mystery, 20x
River’s Heart, 4x
Living Steel, 2x
Serpent’s Eye
Design: Ruby Panther: Revered,
Orb of Mystery, 20x
Primordial Ruby, 4x
Living Steel, 2x
Serpent’s Eye
Design: Jeweled Onyx Panther: Exalted,
Sunstone Panther,
Jade Panther,
Ruby Panther,
Sapphire Panther
Materials Needed:
{ Golden Lotusx80}
{ Alexandritex20}
{ Pandarian Garnetx20} - All of these items are not required, read below from more information.
{ Lapis Lazulix20}
{ Sunstonex20}
Nether the Golden Lotus or the gems above are required for the mounts themselves, but they are transmuted into the gems below. Transmutation is not required, you can prospect these gems or buy them through the Auction House.
These gems are transmuted into:
Primordial Rubyx20
Sun’s Radiancex20
Wild Jadex20
River’s Heartx20
You will also need:
Orb of Mysteryx4 = 80,000 gold. (Excluding guild perks. Goblin perk does not apply to this item.)(Thank you Jonasclau.)
Serpent’s Eyex8
Living Steelx16
To create Living Steel, you will need an alchemist. One method is to receive 96
Trillium Bar to transmute into 16
Living Steel. Another is to get 48
Trillium Bar and 48
Spirit of Harmony. (Thank you Crilmon.)
Jade Panther
Ruby Panther
Sunstone Panther
Sapphire Panther.
Once you have all the panthers, you can create Jeweled Onyx Panther.