I have found myself getting irritated lately in World of Tanks. Therefore, I decided to try New World. I’ve been using gold to compete with the cheaters and hackers in WoT. I think I finally reached my limit at 75k battles. 5k battles in first beta, 10k battle in 2nd Beta, and almost 60k Battles in Retail.
Sorry fellow Soldiers. Time to move out and draw fire.
Hi Matin, Cortinarius here. I am so sorry to see you go, i will miss your posts and comments. I do understand and I feel the same way. i played my first 11000 games as a free-to-play tanker and only had occasional premium days as in-game rewards. It was such a slow and painful grind to get top guns and decent crews. I ended up leaving the game for a few years for ESO and WOW. I only started back after I retired and decided to try with a premium account. What a difference! Suddenly, I had the credits and experience to skip some of the painful grinding and buy premium consumables. The crew books as rewards meant that I could train new crews with at least 2 skills right away. My WN8 has increased steadily since I became pay-to-win. I only have 14000 games, so I have a ways to go to catch up to you. I have also been playing New World more than both ESO and WoT and I will look for you on Hy-Brasil. I am LotramN61 in Discord and Lotram in New World. See you in-game!
Cortinarius, good to hear from you. I am in OTG PSI and go by the New World name of Matins. On Discord and the forum I’m singular (ie. Matin). I will keep an eye open for you. Us Tankers should stay together. In New World, I’m a crafter and DPS.
Hiya Matin be awhile I hate to see you go but I understand your reasons, about the frustration about the game, I’ve mostly drop in from time to time get frustrated and drop right back out, good luck with retirement, I tried it once and went back to work, couldn’t stand it, looking forward to my second retirement in 2 to 4 yrs, haven’t tried New World yet, I’m still focusing on LoTR
Oh, I’m slowing down on New World. I’m speeding up on designing my D&D campaign. Going to start putting together some adventures, painting creatures, and working on terrain. I’m think I might try running this campaign on-line, but I have not really put the technology together for that… yet.
Looking like a MUSH. In other words, a browser-based free-to-play multiplayer game. I don’t plan to launch my campaign until 2024. Right now, I’m working on designing the media to support my adventures.
Maps to draw. Lay-downs for encounters. Working on music for the Tavern. Writing stories. May work on scripting part of the adventures. Fleshing out non-player characters. Putting together a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. Building models of terrain, buildings, and ships. Painting miniatures. Exploring new technology to support the on-line storytelling. Drawing/painting.
I need to establish my sole proprietor Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). I have to write the business plan material and get a lawyer to vet my paperwork. I need a Federal and State Tax Numbers. Etc…