Contained herein is the nitty gritty details of the group composition, builds, and gear that went into finally accomplishing our first M10 mutation (silver) and subsequently a M10 gold. The goal of providing this is to let folks see the builds, the gear and what it took to do it. It should be clear that other than gear score the gear itself is not exceptional, few of us have legendary armor let alone legendary armor with three good perks.
It was a long road getting here and there are a lot of folks that helped or contributed along the way that were not part of the group listed here. @Nyyx @Muuhut @Hondalorian @Dame_Jennifer @Scags and @Hondalorian are all individuals whom contributed in some shape or form to getting us from M1 to M10 as a group over the months of progression it took to get there.
I do feel like we took the long road - some of our choices created walls for us at different points but we eventually worked through it.
M10 Scores
These are the results of the first 3 M10 completions in Lazarus by the following group. Note this was the first time seeing the particular mutator in question and first time attempting M10 we got a silver.
Tank - Neyland - Gearscore: 625
Base Attributes, Resistances, and Armor
STR: 180,
CON: 290
Phys 2,547.6
Elem 1,841.9
10 Slash Damage Resist
5% Strike Damage Resist
5% Thrust Damage Resist
30% Ice Damage Resist (Full 5 - Ice Resist Gems)
30% Ancient Damage Resist (Full 5 Piece Ancient Ward Set)
Armor Perks
Contagious Reverse Stab
Leaching Path of Destiny
Refreshing Evasion x 1
Sword: Carnelian, Refreshing Move, Hated
Shield: Fortifying Shield Rush, Sturdy Energy, Sturdy
Hammer: Woodswarden Carnelian, Keen, Vicious, Keenly Fortified
Blessing of Forefathers: Fortified Recovery, Devine, Health
Forgotten Vow: Enfeebling, Slash Damage, Hearty
Blackmetal Stud: Refreshing, Despised, Purifying Toast
Carrot Cake 24 STR, 16 CON
Powerful Ancient Coatings
Powerful Honing Stone
Powerful Insence
Infused Ancient Ward Potion
Infused Health Potion
Invused Regeneration Potion
Hearty Meal
Healer - Caetlyn- Gearscore: 625
Base Attributes, Resistances, and Armor
Armor Weight: Light
FOC: 310,
CON: 100
Phys 923.9
Elem 752.6
5% Slash Damage Resist
5% Strike Damage Resist
5% Thrust Damage Resist
30% Ice Damage Resist (Full 5 - Ice Resist Gems)
0% Ancient Ward Resist (NON WARD GEAR)
Armor Perks
fortifying sacred ground
elemental aversion x1
refreshing evasion x1
refreshing divine embrace
mending protection
Will of the Ancients - Refreshing, Refreshing Move, Blessed
Orichalcum Void Gauntlet - Blessed, Mortal Refreshment
Pristine Diamond Amulet - Divine, Thrust Protection
Silver Leaf - Siphoning, Briliant, Sacred
Misty Kismet Charm - Refreshing Evasion, Refreshing, Purifying Toast
On Bar. hearty meals infused heath, regeneration , and mana potion .
Other consumables not on bar. strong honing stones. powerful ancient coating and slow roasted bear flank with root vegetables.
Coordinate VG oblivion drops with DPS oblivions.
DPS- Eli Doe - Gearscore: 625
Base Attributes, Resistances, and Armor
Armor Weight: Medium
STR: 453,
CON: 50
Phys 1,365
Elem 1,254
5% Slash Damage Resist
5% Strike Damage Resist
5% Thrust Damage Resist
30% Ice Damage Resist (Full 5 - Ice Resist Gems)
30% Ancient Damage Resist (Full 5 Piece Ancient Ward Set)
Armor Perks
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Hammer primary DPS weapon.
GA for Gravity Well & Reap on Trash.
Spear on Bosses for Bleeds.
DPS- Sonickat - Gearscore: 625
Base Attributes, Resistances, and Armor
Armor Weight: Heavy
STR: 311,
CON: 200
Phys 2,282.6
Elem 2,116.5
5% Slash Damage Resist
5% Strike Damage Resist
5% Thrust Damage Resist
30% Ice Damage Resist (Full 5 - Ice Resist Gems)
30% Ancient Damage Resist (Full 5 Piece Ancient Ward Set)
Armor Perks
Invigorated x2
Refreshing Ward x2
Penetrating Wrecking Ball
Leeching Path of Destiny
Sundering Sundering Shockwave
Ancient War Hammer - Ancient Bane, Chain Void, Enchanted
Garden Keeper Great Axe of the Solider - Enfeebling Maelstorm, Ancient Bane, Keenly Jagged
Primevil Void Gauntlet of the Soldier - Blessed, Keenly Forified, Mortal Siphoning
Blessing of the Forefather - Fortified Recovery, Divine, Health
Smooth Bone Ring - Leeching, Hearty, Keen Awareness
Doom’s Chance - Refreshing, Refreshing Toast, Regenerating
Carrot Cake 24 STR, 16 CON
Infused Ancient Coatings
Infused Honing Stone
Powerful Insence
Infused Ancient Ward Potion
Infused Health Potion
Invused Regeneration Potion
Hearty Meal
Hammer primary DPS weapon.
GA for Gravity Well & Reap on Trash.
VG on Bosses - rotate Oblivion w/ healer via comms / in room communcation.
Always applying void blade 15% disentigrate before dropping oblivion back into showwave to stack maximum debuffs for burst windows. Try to do this on every voidblade cooldown. Consuming regen potions after each cycle to ensure mana is resotred for next. Basically just heavy attack spam on hammer between.
DPS- Azaghael- Gearscore: 625
Base Attributes, Resistances, and Armor
Armor Weight: Light
STR: 322,
CON: 176
Phys 762.0
Elem 762.0
5% Slash Damage Resist
5% Strike Damage Resist
5% Thrust Damage Resist
7.5% All Magic Resist
30% Ancient Damage Resist (Full 5 Piece Ancient Ward Set)
Armor Perks
Sundering Shockwave
Fortifying Perforate
Enfeebling Maelstrom
Banes on all Weapons
Blessing of the Forefather - Fortified Recovery, Divine, Health
Smooth Bone Ring - Leeching, Hearty, Keen Awareness
Doom’s Chance - Refreshing, Refreshing Toast, Regenerating
Carrot Cake 24 STR, 16 CON
Infused Ancient Coatings
Infused Honing Stone
Powerful Insence
Infused Ancient Ward Potion
Infused Health Potion
Invused Regeneration Potion
Hearty Meal
General Pull Strategy for Lazarus
- Range Pull - first mini boss back to entrance.
- Kill the second pack on the steps.
- On the glyph event - healer does glyphs. Starts next door when 2-3 mobs remain. Once on the second door spawn all glyphs as fast as possible so they spawn then respawn on third glyph.
- Run to Next boss looting. Hug the left corners to avoid grabbing the spearman on the steps.
- Two dps engage the archer by the orb, one channels once archer is 20% health.
- Kill the mini boss.
- Tank engages the spearman at the door by running past him into the room. Fight all the mobs in the room.
- Tank engages by running past the two swordsmen on the stairs and down to the platform in front of Cilla. Kill everything at once.
- The group runs back up and to the other room AFTERWARDS the designated DPS will talk to Cills and /stuck which causes the pack on the platform to not spawn. That DPS runs up through the trash by the mini boss back out to the waiting group kill the trash.
- Kill the mini boss.
- Run through the cleansing pools room to the far left corner and use LOS on the stairs to pill up all the trash in the room.
- Everyone cleanses and everyone drags everything into the small room with the now blocked door leading back to Cilla. Body block the miniboss that his back is to the door and he faces the only exit keep him stunned or cornered and kill everything in that room.
- Kill Cilla. (Swap to Spears and VG on way to Cilla, swap back to GA after Cilla)
- Strongest DPS and the healer on the top, two remaining DPS on the bottom, and the tank kites the middle. Healer can heal the tank. Bottom DPS have to make do with potions and be smart. When the doors open ideally the bottom finishes first. They can wait or prepare at the second door but ignore the adds chancing the tank unless they need help. When both doors are open run to the top. Depending on the timer you either LOS around the right far door or the corner leading to the next mini bosses.
- Healer or Range pulls first mini boss rest of group loots.
- Puller loots while group starts miniboss.
- Engage the miniboss archer and adds. Healer or DPS starts door channel immediatley so its open. Finish mini boss.
- Run through all the mobs by passing the first archway and at the last left turn there are a set of stairs with an archer on it. If you go further and turn right you would be where folks used to jump up to reset mobs. Stop at the top of the stairs where the archer is and fight there using gravity well and reap to group things up.
- Drag everything including the mini boss to the archer in the next room pile them up.
- Do the event. Try to work to group mobs up dont be chasing things or soloing them.
- Run to the mini boss kill it. (Swap to Spears and VG Offhands during run to the mini boss)
- Loot.
- Go to Chardis. Atm doesn’t matter who goes first beam is random again.
- Tank and DPS do left, 2 dps right, place orbs. People with orb have to know which to go to. Burn as usual. Make sure healer is dropping oblivion on cooldown.
- Reap rewards of a well laid out strategy
This is not the only way to get an M10 done - this is just how we ultimatley were able to do it.