How many Old Timers will be joining early access?

Which server will be the one to pick?


Raises hand They may have a new server list on launch. Do we have any official officers? :slight_smile:

I vote for Schplam! I second that nomination! Any nays? It is unanimous!

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I’ll be playing it. It’s slowly coming along. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah! If Pogue is in… I’m in…
He’s got pretty good gaming taste… maybe not so much in some of his gaming acquaintances… :slight_smile:

Is there a specific server selected yet?
I will be playing!

I will be playing PRotF in EA.

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LOL. Smartass.

“Do we have any official officers?”
Mumbles incantation to attempt a summons: @Design

I second your opinion that it’s too early to choose server. See Early Access Fact Sheet.
I don’t see an official list of early access servers yet.

Will there be multiple servers? Special ruleset servers?

Yes, we will be providing as many servers as needed to suit the population. We do intend to have a partial server list available prior to EA. No, we don’t intend to have special ruleset servers and characters will be locked to their chosen server (no server hopping).

Incantation successful!

I’m looking to get Pantheon set up with more active leadership. I know the group deserves someone better able to get things organized ahead of launch. Real life has conspired against me in that regard.

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Hey, I started gaming to avoid any real responsibility! :slight_smile:

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Do you always post messages to yourself? :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember: You can’t spell Necromancer without Romance.

i will be playing as soon as i can

Friday December 13th I will be no lifing this game. Since I dont have my new gaming rig built for Ashes yet and pantheon is in a much more playable and stable state than Ashes at the time of this posting.

I’ll be playing some. Not looking to spend too much time on any one character, or going too deep into the game. Trying to save that for my permanent characters after release.

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I am in there under early access right now. I suppose when that date comes, I better make sure that I am not assigned to one of the servers, until I hear from others here, which server is being chosen by our group! How far along are we on organizing that? Should I sign into Discord to speak further on this topic? Thanks!

I’ll be there opening day.

there will be only 500 on each server, so pick it wisely.

I’ll be there.

I too will be playing during EA.

I am interested in joining, havent picked up the pledge yet tho.
Which level do you need for this run?