
Hi fellow Pantheon friends. I’m a new member in the guild and have been playing Pantheon the past several weeks. Just wanted to introduce myself and let you know I’m available for grouping, fun, help, w/e.

I’m currently playing on Havensong and go by the following

Squirrell , 14 monk
Ocelot, 12 necro
Crickets, 11 pally
Wombat, 11 shaman
Quokka, 9 ranger
Mausi, 7 rogue

Would love an invite for a couple of my toons at least to the guild if any officer is around, or let me know who to message in game!

Nice to meet you all.

Welcome Squirrell! Love the animal names.

The only reasonable question is… are you one of these newfangled carnivorous squirrels… or one of the cute, cuddly, old school squirrels?


Squirrels are very adaptable creatures. We take what we can get.

BTW - who can I hit up in game for a guild invite? (NM i got one!)