Hey guys not sure we have moved over here or not, but what time is this and is it still happening? If so I may need to rework one of my standing training sessions to a different day. So someone please let me know.
If you guys see Mystarr in game please remind him to create an account in Discourse (here).
I will do that Benbrada when I see him. :)
Im here!
Cirsee: Yes we still do group dungeon runs etc on Thursdays. We start when people can get online but we usually reach “critical mass” around 8pm to 9pm CT.
We are also trying to get a group to go into the Lost Vale on Monday July 30th. That is the zone where the gateway is only open for an hour. It will be open between 8CT and 9CT on Monday. That means that everyone that is going will need to be online, in party mode, and in the zone before the gate closes at 9CT.
Okay I will try and move my training session. My trainer became a manager, so his time is in very short supply. Or I just do the session and come right home. I wouldn’t make 8, but I might just make 9. Monday I can do.