I’m currently trying to clear all the clutter on my alts and get my account playable again. I was last around at the Isle of Dread pack (but didn’t do much other than the explorer area) and I have both the Vecna (Hand of?) and Myth Drannor exp packs but have yet to see anything in either - soooo… I should have plenty of new content to run and raise my mains to the new cap.
What I was curious about is the changes to epic destinies (U66) I’ve read/seen -
Exalted Angel no longer has the healing aura, Holy Presence? I read in the update notes it’s been changed to some other BS… So, do I need to sell off my gear with the healing bonuses and crit multipliers when I respec my alt’s destiny or can I use it elsewhere? I’ve run this destiny on both my mains and will miss it, it was so much fun blasting through favor and loot runs with 700 - 800 heal ticks popping off!!!
I think I also read where the Draconic Incarnation breath weapon got nerfed as well but I haven’t been in game to test it, can anyone confirm this? Will I be respec’ing that destiny as well?
If there are any other serious epic destiny changes that I haven’t mentioned please let me know - espec those concerning rogues, bards, sorcs, pallys and their abilities. Thanks for any info you might pass along! Hopefully I’ll get my account straight in the next week or 2/3 and be back in game. Hunt Well m’Friends!!!
None of the Epics are all that Epic any more and some are less epic than others. I have 1-2 chars that I don’t even bother with an epic Strike on. Yes they took away the aura. and Yes dragon breath sucks. That used to be where all my dmg casters were, but now I only have my one Dragon race guy in it. Between the Racial Enhancements and the ED it still seems worth it for him. The lag is currently horrendous for almost a month . It might be the Mabar festival, but no way to know for sure until its over. I’ve gotten fond of the Primal tree as the primary for my druid and a secondary for a bunch of other chars. Your mileage may significantly vary. I far prefer passives to actives. they also increased the lvl cap to 34 recently and added a bunch of new epic feats, all but 1 available before 34. MD it is hard to find a group for, they did something stupid with the loot making some items Rare, which effectively translates to “you have better odds of getting a Jibbers than finding this” and that pissed everyone off. New MD Raid dropped, it is a DPS fest. I think the end boss on normal has 14mil HP (I might be way off but it was ridiculous) and all the minibosses and most of the trash has millions as well. Seybold is still funny looking. I think that’s it.
eDIT: Just saw Daily Gold rolls for VIP now thru 11/27. No idea when they turned that on
Thank you my friend for the info… I’ll have to do some playtesting on my mains and figure out a new path for epic destinies. Good to see you’re still around (I’ve missed your twisted humor!!!) - hope to see/run with you and Dav and some of the old crew from back in the day (not sure who all is still around). I’m about to the point of just selling off junk and deleting mule alts just to get my account cleaned up, it’s such a mess (so much gear/weapons saved for " what if " or " damn that’s cool / Oooo shiny "). I’m sure most of you know what I’m talking about!
RanterX -
I’m just here to say @LesPaul is an awesome name!
Thank you very much! I’ve used the tag many times in many different areas -
I’m a huge fan of the Man and the Guitar (I currently own 3 LPs)…
My fav guitar players played Les Pauls - Randy Rhoads, Jimmy Page, Ace Frehley, etc
Well remember crunch the named crap for Sentient XP, don’t just get rid of it. I wish you luck with the trim though. I find it ridiculously hard to get rid of stuff that doesn’t drop any more, even if I haven’t used it in 10 years, because my stupid brain keeps whispering “you could never replace that” which while true shouldn’t matter for something you don’t use.
Welcome back. My wife and I have been (mostly) away for a quite a while as well, and have been trying to get back into it. We miss playing but RL has been uncooperative. I haven’t seen any of the newer content yet, either. My mains were are still at L30, from when that was cap. Hopefully we see you on and get to run together.
I have been trying to get back into the game as well. Currently lvl 27 trying to scrounge up content in my lvl bracket. I have a ton of quests in the lvl 30’s, but seem to be finding very little to do in the upper lvl 20’s range. Hit me up if anyone wants to group up for harder stuff or things that require a group.
Quests by level and XP - DDO wiki Only four 29s and 3 28s. Though the lvl difference restriction is much higher in epic so you can do somehwat lower lvl stuff and still get XP. Can also supplement with Wilderness, and if you can put together a group for Challenges the ES ones aren’t bad. Definitely do the Halloween challenges once apiece b4 they expire
I have been finding some stuff that is in the mid 20’s that I can boost up by running on elite difficulty. Pretty much most of the stuff in Gianthold Epic is mid 20’s so I can run it at lvl 26 on elite for decent xp.