Google Stadia


I’m sorry for those that bought into what can only be described as an early access or beta launch. From what i’ve read we’re years away from a viable service.

A buddy of mine seems to have it working but he has been an early Google adopter and had a Pixel phone for a while.

How does he like it? Does it perform better on a Pixel?

This review is more indepth then the others I’ve posted.

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If they can’t deliver on a feature like 4k 60fps then It shouldn’t be in the ad.

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Only, that’s not what Google said. Not only in ads, but pretty much in everything.

They kept saying “All games can be played in 4K”. That’s a bit more that your generic adverliesement.

And then subsequently throwing the developers under the bus “Because they can’t deliver 4K” is very disingenuous.

And from everything I’ve read so far, the overall performance just isn’t there yet either. Maybe in a year, but as several people, reviewers, and newspapers, etc (not just youtubers) have said, they actually released this as a product, not as a test or a beta.

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I really hope that they can turn this around. Personally, I feel as if this should be like gamepass and netflix. A monthly fee for access to their entire library. Instead gamers have to pay full price per game and then pay a subscription fee in order to play them.

Yeah, they really screwed it on the monetization model. So we get input lag, lower video fidelity, a monthly fee and only lease games for the duration of the service at the full cost of the games.

Or… we can have a console that, over the life of this cycle, will be cheaper than the service, no input lag, perfect video fidelity and the games costing full price.

Or squared… we can have the input lag, lower fidelity, a monthly fee but the games are included in the fee (XBox Game pass, PS Now, et al).

Google took the worst of both and mashed them together.

More bad news :frowning:

It’s kinda what you get with advertliesements… :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone using this? I am getting one for free for being a youtube premium member.

I rather doubt anyone’s actively using it now. And if I can give you one advice: For ‘free’ is nice, but don’t buy anything on Stadia, since it’ll be locked in to your Stadia account and as it looks now, you will lose whatever you buy within a few years.

Unless they manage to make some sort of amazing turnaround on Stadia, it’s pretty much dead.

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ok thanks. They have a monthly payment for 10 bucks to play certain games without buying which is what I was going to try out. I figured it wouldn’t be around long lol.

10 bucks to try it out sounds like a decent enough deal :slight_smile:

Try it out, sure! Just ensure you don’t enjoy the bait too much or be prepared for the switch.

I’m just so sick of our entertainment being driven towards the rental model in ever increasing cash grabs. The last 20 years has many examples of people dumping lots of money into an ecosystem, only to have their rentals revoked or disappear entirely. Is it so much to ask to pay a fair price for some media, and have the expectation of ownership?

Heya Raven! Check out this other Stadia thread in this forum for a different perspective on Stadia.

I just bought Baldur’s Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 and going to play Baldur’s Gate 3 multi with me wife next summer on Stadia.