Games That Made A Real Impact In Your Life Past, Present, and Future

This is a great conversation and I have really enjoyed reading all of your histories with computer games. Hopefully, my own history will be an interesting addition.

I was already an avid gamer before computer games were even a thing. In high school, I was in a community chess club and founded my school’s chess club. I was also really into war games from companies like Avalon Hill and SSI. But a seminal moment for me came during my freshman year in college when I discovered tabletop RPGs. My college buddies and I played countless hours of D&D and Boot Hill.

When PCs came along, I was happy to dive into PC gaming. My first taste of computer-based RPG-ing was the Ultima series. But, while the computer RPGs of the time were okay, they lacked (for me) the immersion of table-top social games like D&D, so I stuck mostly to non-RPGs on the PC and continued playing D&D into the late-1980s.

From about 1987, and onward through the entirety of the 1990s, I was laser-focused on building my career and I drifted away from tabletop gaming. I played computer games throughout the '90s, but they were strategy games like Civilization, flight sims like Red Baron and Aces of the Pacific, or war games like Gary Grigsby’s Second Front and Pacific War. It was all good stuff, but it was a decade and a half during which I could only look back with fond memories at my earlier life as a player of RPGs.

All of that changed in 2002 with my discovery of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I had come back to role-playing, and it was great! I played the heck out of that game, learning the mechanics inside out, to the point that I ended up as one of the “experts” answering questions for other players on Neoseeker. I have continued with the Elder Scrolls and Skyrim was almost as influential for me as Morrowind had been. I am still a Skyrim player in 2023.

I also discovered MMORPGs in the 2000s. I first got into EVE Online and Pirates of the Burning Sea. (To this day it frustrates me that there is no good, current-technology, pirate-themed MMORPG.) I also played a good bit of Lord of the Rings Online. Then came Rift. I loved Rift in that first year or two after it went live. The unpredictable chaos of the zone events, and the ad hoc grouping feature that joined you with other payers on the fly to battle against the extraplanar invaders, created a dynamic gaming experience that has never been matched in any game I have played since then. I sure miss that!

I also discovered co-op gaming. I have played a lot of co-op games with a couple of my closest gamer friends, like Left for Dead/Left for Dead 2, The Forest, ARK, the Sniper Elite series, the Divinity Original Sin and Baldur’s Gate series, and all five games of the Borderlands series.

As far as MMORPGS, I have bumped around between a bunch of games, including Runesape, Guild Wars 2, Secret World, Black Desert Online, DC Universe Online, and Final Fantasy XIV. I have enjoyed all of those, and I have gone back from time to time to revisit old favorites like EVE, Rift, Pirates of the Burning Sea and Lord of the Rings Online. But the MMOs that have gotten most of my playing time over the last few years have been World of Warcraft and Elder Scrolls Online. I have 19 characters that are level 50 or higher in WoW, and three level 50s in ESO.

With that said, however, my enthusiasm for current MMOs has waned a bit. I started a new character for the Dragonflight expansion in WoW, but quickly lost intertest. I also started a new character for the Telvanni Peninsula expansion in ESO but have stayed only mildly interested in that campaign. I would love to feel the same excitement I felt when I first played Pirates of the Burning Sea, Lord of the Rings Online and Rift back in the day, but right now what I feel like I’m getting is a whole lot of more-of-the-same, along with a healthy dose of monetization, in place of innovation. There is hope, I think. Baldur’s Gate 3 has really raised the bar in terms of game depth and storytelling (not to mention quality assurance). At the same time, big AAA studios Blizzard and Bethesda have gotten a lot of criticism for their very ho-hum new releases, Diablo IV and Starfield. Hopefully that will all meld into a serious wake-up call for the game studios and they will stop being so formulaic and start taking a few more chances in evolving gameplay, while, at the same time, building new games around great stories instead of around monetization schemes. I really need something new and exciting to come along in the MMORPG space. Please give me some new games I can really get excited about!

My computer life have started with a VIC20 from commodore. I only had several game cartridge but managed to learn the basics of the “basic” language.
My first love in terms of PC games was a game called “starflight”. A space story game which have made me bought my first Tandy 1000 (80286), along with the following suite Starflight 2 from EA games.
The 90s then were mostly with RPG games that were sold at Costco, games like detective types, all the “myst” sequels, some Sierra titles like King quest, Leasure suit larry, then later games using Modem interaction like Doom but mostly Duke Nukem in combat with a best friend. A blast at the time. Later from Lucas art, Starwars Dark forces, their first starwars 3D rendering game I believe, all these at the era of the 80386 and 80486s processors. I still have many of these games in storage.
My first MMORPG with 3D capability was a social game called Cybertown. I’ve met many online friends with this game and I’ve loved it’s creativity aspect using a 3D engine called blaxsun contact if I remember well.
From that game, I’ve learned the existence of Everquest but never got attracted to this, not really knowing what it was but then as a space game “fan”, I’ve discovered a game called Earth and beyond (Commonly called EnB) and this became my real first love in term of MMO, being amazed to be immerse in space with “real” ppl with this common interest. That game eventually died and Starwars Galaxies followed and as well EVE online. I’ve later beta tested LOTRO and joined OTG guild from that time. Played many years but always on spare time, having a busy RL. BDO have been a good game as well. I still play these two but on occasion, and as well SWG in emulator once in while. I’ve played many other games, online and not, but these mentioned are my most memorable.

Hello Luddite!
I really enjoyed reading your post. You brought back more memories and I appreciate your points on the current games. I am going start a new thread soon about the state of gaming and I hoping to read more of your insights and from everyone else in this amazing guild!
Thank you!

He Meldrax.!
The Vic 20! Wow! Do you remember the commercial with William Shatner? He started it off with something like “Have you met my friend Vic?” Then we had commercials with Alan Alda as he was a true Apple enthusiast with the Apple 2 and Apple 2e I think.

One of my friends had a Commodore 64 and it was a very cool computer.

Starflight! Yes…that was one of the classic games I was trying to remember. I think it was created by Interplay that eventually became EA.

I am glad you have many of these games in storage. Sadly, over the sands of time, my games have all vanished.

Thank you!

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I had forgotten about the program listings. They were always cool. They were not always correct. Even if I typed them in correctly, they did not always run as expected or without errors. That was frustrating when I could not debug them. I always loved the features on expansion equipment. I was a Vet just out of the military and not yet making real money and could not afford some of them without saving up first.

That was why I did not get a TRS-80, which I spent hours in Radio Shack drooling over. I was not enthralled with the Timex Sinclair. I think, all in all, I did best by buying the TI-99/4A.

IBM 286, wow! What a throwback. I missed that generation of PC’s. My next PC was a Zenith 386. I remember my amber monitor and my Mannesman-Talley dot matrix wide printer. I thought I was hot with my 640K of RAM. I ran a consulting business with that PC.

I remember games like Red Storm Rising. At that time, every time an Apache, Comanche or similar simulation game came out, me and my son were on it.

Keep the memories coming,


Hello PsiOpsDad
Yes…you are correct…the listings were sometimes incorrect. I remember typing in code for hours then only to have the program fail to execute. I would then go over the code, line by line, only to either find the error or not find it. I even wrote to the publisher asking them to double check code before shipping the magazine out.

Yes, I think the helicopter game was called Apache or Comanche. It was one of the first games that used 3D voxel graphics that was very cool. I recall a game called B52 Flying Fortress. You know, Lucas Arts had a number of amazing games and one of them was called “Their Finest Hour.” It was fantastic and it came with a spiral bound historical book with real facts, pictures and illustrations.

Finally, Lucas Arts also released a unique title called LOOM where it involved musical notes to finish the adventure. It was great! There was another one with a guy on a chopper that I am drawing a blank on. These classic games are now being retooled for modern machines and released on Steam or other platforms.


So crazy.

This is awesome! Thank you! Yes, Alda was the Atari guy early on. I thought he eventually did Apple commercials, but I am probably wrong. Just a great memory from the past!

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