Firelands Timewalking run for (part of) the secret Phoenix Wishwing pet

Hello OTG!

On Saturday May 27th at 8pm Eastern/ 7pm Kul Tiras server time I’ve set up a calendar event for dipping into the Firelands Timewalking raid. The main purpose will be to kill Alysrazor for the Glittering Phoenix Ember, but if we do that and the group is up for it, we can absolutely tackle the other bosses until it gets to be the usual log-off time for most of us closer to 11pm.

Since Cata TW is a limited time event, that means this part of the pet is only available for a limited time! I think the raid scales but please try and bring a max level character with gear from the current expansion, since I honestly have no idea.

I popped the calendar event on the horde guild but I can add alliance members directly if anyone is interested and wants to be added (even just to mark themselves tentative and not fully commit). Additionally if you have non-guild friends and family who would like to come, happy to add them to the calendar and event as well!

A guide to the whole process for the secret Phoenix Wishwing pet can be found here: Phoenix Wishwing - The Secret Battle Pet in Dragonflight - YouTube (There is more to it than poking timewalking sadly, and we’re all on our own for the rest of it! :wink: )

I’ll keep an eye on this thread in case of any questions/concerns/comments but I’m a lot easier to catch in game or on Discord. Thanks for reading till the end!

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Invite me please (Aaril-Anvilmar)

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Finally got my Phoenix Wishwing yesterday, thanks again for getting us together for the Firelands Timewalking Raid part of getting this secret pet.
