[Finished] SF - Three AP Starfinder Campaign (Saturdays, 8-11 EDT)

Ex= Extraordinary Abilities
Sp= Spell-like Abilities
Su= Supernatural Abilities

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I’m just sayin’, how do you you know you don’t want to play ohhhh say the sentient otter race?!


Oh I forgot to mention @Ryukan but I’m not anti operative at all, so operate away :smiley:

I don’t know enough about the game yet to be anti anything. I figure if one class really turns out to be OP, @Rando can always implement a house rule to help everyone else catch up.

Upon further consideration, I’m thinking I may go android witch warper. Shadow photons sound like things that come from a parallel universe.

Go to Archives of Nethys if you don’t own any of the books (or even if you do).

Find the race, theme, and class you are interested in.

Find the source of said race, theme, class; it’ll be listed as a link in cyan text pretty close to the top of the entry.

If that source is not on the approved sources list from the original post, then it’s no go. Character creation inside Fantasy Grounds for Starfinder is already wonky enough as it is without us having to try and enter custom shit.

The Witchwarper has stupidly awesome range on just about all it’s stuff. Almost all the Wtichwarper abilities have a range of 100 feet.

Ok, Tinker is out then. Comes from an AP not on your list. I’ll look at a different theme then.


A few other things to keep in mind:

  • I’m not house-ruling anything
  • I’m not changing modules in anyway
    • that means no story changes
    • that means using existing maps (which means most of them are pretty claustrophobic)
    • that means content-wise the first two APs (Against the Aeon Throne and Signal of Screams) were written with only the CRB rules (before Armory, Character Operations Manual, etc)

The very first encounter in the first adventure is a space battle.

I’m really looking at Ace Pilot for Theme. Alright who wants to contest with me for ownership of the starship? :men_wrestling:

Just 'cause yer the pilot doesn’t necessarily mean yer the owner, cf. Mal and Wash from Firefly/Serenity!

Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, The Mandalorian…I could go on just referencing Star Wars. :smirk:

Hey, if anyone else is interested in Ace Pilot theme and/or owning the starship I am willing to duke it out I mean work it out. :smirk:

Is that the Skittermander Ace Pilot?

I believe the pilot’s chair in the player’s ship is configured only for Raxilites at the beginning of play…

Party concept: radish swarm.

Up to four Raxilites (tiny size) can occupy the same 5’ square. Each can use their LFAN vines to act as a single “hand” for the purposes of using multiple hand weapons. The four party Raxilites come together to use a Lashunta auto cannon. But come melee time, they all scatter and turn into a swarm of Raxilite ninjas with their own one-handed melee weapons.

Aw yeah!

the swarm prospers for many years until one fateful day when they faced off with an SRO made from a Salad Shooter.

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That’s some BULLSH–!!

Me playing a Skittermander: “Mmmmm I’ve never had Raxilite before, let alone radish swarm.”

Coooouuuuuuld be…it’s a secret :wink: