Fallout 76 Screenshots

Well, this happened. :joy: This was at MtnMama’s shop that takes place on Mon and Thurs. Good times.

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Did you see the WHOLE easter egg for that house? First clue Torrance House - Jacky, Wendy and Danny…

I screenshot and wrote it up. SPOILERS if you want to see it yourself.


Nice catch and writeup.

Well I should clarify - I did find some of the things, but putting the 2+2 together someone mentioned it. I did NOT get the reference of the name.

But there are a number of these types of things in the game. The Mad Hatter Tea Party, etc.

If you want to see the fun/unusual stuff a guy shared a post on one of the Reddits of unmarked/yet unusual locations. I’ve visited a couple - Carhenge, Cat Lady Lookout, etc.