Fallout 76 Friends - Who and How

I just started playing. Bethesda name is “rescorla”.

Anyone found a good place to make a base that isn’t a workshop?

I found this cool:

I am not high enough or far enough along (I started over) but it seems really cool and hidden.

EDIT: My ID is the same in my signature for ESO so friend me and look me up. Always happy to group.

Will do. Thanks for the help. I just hit 55.

Playing on PC, with Fallout 1st private worlds.
Bethesda NET name || LupusNoctis

Starting over. Back on as “RanterX”. :+1:

templarga1976 (Elidien here and on Discord)

Level 64 main and couple alts.

Also have Fallout 1st.

looking trying again with all the changes wondering if OTG has a private server or just play on the regular ones because I am not into the PVP.


Draznar had joined Fallout 76.

Discord = Draznar#8976

@Darknard - The private servers only accommodate 8 people total, and the server owner has to be online for anyone else to join it. As such, there is not an OTG private server, but you can join any OTG member on your friends list who has a private server up and running as long as they are online.

If another Fallout 1st member is also on that private server, and the server owner logs out, the server will remain up, but no one else can join it after that point. (Or at least that’s what was said in Discord last night, anyway.)

If the owner of the Fallout 1st server logs off, you get a 20 minute window to finish what you are doing as well. Its not bad at all.

I’m in, not 1st yet, but having fun on a couple private servers.

bethesda: revzman
steam: [otg] revzman

I’m playing again too, I even subbed to 1st (only for a month however).

Bethesda: Fursnake
Steam: Ryukan

Still scrounging around as well

Bethesda : Jimmy_Nuggets
Steam : Scuzz

Jaynen00 is what it shows in social, been running around public and also now in the 1st thing

I just started today and not sure if I am doing the 1st thing. Well here is my info:

Bethesda: Tokatis
Steam: john_deimos

Hummm…May jump back in…

I’m playing through the new content and liking it so far, I’m Edzwarr on steam as well.

Just got Discord sorted out. Istolil in 76 or Brother Asreus on STEAM

I’m blakesrealm on both Bethesda and Steam.