I play Allie Chemica on PC ( @kingdust ) , a High Elven Templar.
It’d be great to get an invite and play with some of you all.
CP 610 or so if that matters ^^
I play Allie Chemica on PC ( @kingdust ) , a High Elven Templar.
It’d be great to get an invite and play with some of you all.
CP 610 or so if that matters ^^
If you are a member of OTG already and looking to join OTG in ESO on PC/Mac - NA Megaserver.
please send a PM to Tess_Phyreforge via our forums, I process guild request each morning,
If not an Old Timers Guild member please refer to Join-OTG forums first and apply to our core guild.
Note : PC/Mac Elder Scrolls Guild invites are done by account name, we need your ESO User ID @handle for faster processing
Account @name is the same as your game log in information]