Embers Adrift

For anyone who enjoyed Everquest or similar games, check out Embers Adrift. There is a free trial version at https://www.embersadrift.com/ and the subscription price (gets you 5 character slots) is just $9.99 monthly. There are NO microtransactions in the game.

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There are still a number of OTG people playing that. Check out the discord channel and ask questions there. I think they’re all in the same (non-OTG) guild.

We did a test run when they just released to see if enough interest could be generated to make an OTG chapter, but in the end it was a fairly small (but steady) group of people and it wasn’t useful to make an official presence.


Are there dungeons? Is finding a group having to spam chat LFG?

I’d say talk to red in Discord. I think they’re still playing, and he’ll know who everyone else is. There are/were groups that run dungeons in the guild they’re all in.