For anyone who enjoyed Everquest or similar games, check out Embers Adrift. There is a free trial version at and the subscription price (gets you 5 character slots) is just $9.99 monthly. There are NO microtransactions in the game.
There are still a number of OTG people playing that. Check out the discord channel and ask questions there. I think they’re all in the same (non-OTG) guild.
We did a test run when they just released to see if enough interest could be generated to make an OTG chapter, but in the end it was a fairly small (but steady) group of people and it wasn’t useful to make an official presence.
Are there dungeons? Is finding a group having to spam chat LFG?
I’d say talk to red in Discord. I think they’re still playing, and he’ll know who everyone else is. There are/were groups that run dungeons in the guild they’re all in.
There are dungeons. They are not instanced. Finding a group is as easy as posting to world chat or using the group finder( I esp like that they added a free text comment box that helps you be specific as to the goal you or they are interested in getting done). Group size and those available to group with can vary on time of day. Should you make a friend or few, it is easier to get things done.