you get two quests per day and those should give you 3k xp but also if you look around you might find quests that are hidden, as I have found several and they open up at different times so one day they might not be there and the next they are. Kinda lame if you ask me that you have to find them, usually in towns at different locations.
Thanks, got past the bottle neck doing the 2 per day.
I saw above there is an Old_Timers_Guild guild but when I search nothing comes up. if there is can I get an invite?
Yeah need toon name and I can friend/invite later.
Looks like it won’t let me join as it says I’m not in the same location. Do you know what server the guild is on?
that might be an issue, as I believe that you automatically join a server based on when you start, and they do that to supposedly balance PvP, which is why they also gate your growth. I think it is a bad mechanic personally but they are sticking with it.
Well maybe as people drop they’ll combine servers.
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If sharing invite codes, please use the Dragonheir Invite Code thread in the members-only section.
We went with “Interplanar II” is anyone is interested.
Invite Talos when you start guild.