Division 2 clans and member list

Uplay name Clan OTG Forum name
acemie 3* acemie
AcheronX1 3* Ach
Acudia 3* Acudia
Adoman-OTG 2* Adoman
Ajthe4th 1* AjtheIV
Alstayshome 1* AlStaysHome
Asere_25 1* Qban
ashiOTG 3 * ashi
Astrocat 3 * Astrocat
Atemi_Ryu 1* JwRip
Badamak 2* Badamak
B1ix 4 Blix
Blu377 3* Blu
Belsah 2* Kasheera
blakesrealm 2* BlakeT
Bloody_Brett 1* Dag
Bonkers47LG ? ium
brohawk 2* brohawk
Brumskol 2* Brumskol
buzz3791 3 * royalpriest
Cascadie 1* Cascadie
Cazx225 3* Cazx
Cefwyn514 1** Cefwyn
Chillowl 1 chillowl
Cim_Taurus 1 ** Simdor
Concentric_Arc 1* Concentric_Arc
Cortillaen 3* Cortillaen
cpenfi07 3* cpenfi07
Crypt1ccha0s 2* Crypt1ccHa0s
Damonott 2* Damonott
Darkhorizons12 3 * selvetarm
Darnash 3* Kinash
darquo 3 * devla
Dasde76 1* Dasde
DaveonOTG 2* Daveon
DeadlyWrath 2* Sil
deejay413 ? deejay413
deous1971 2* deous
Diversification 3* AMRA
Donzi42 2* Donzi42
Doodzey16 2* Doodzey
DoomProphet 2 Nightreign
drisdane 1** Drisdane
drogon1 1 drogon
Echo_Zulu 3* maurios
effjay40 2* effjay
eXplague 3* eXplague
Fin_Swake 1* Finbar
Flog2019 2 Flog
freemanmh 2* Stash
frontsideblunt 1* frontsideblunt
fyve5 3 * five
Ghostly.end 3* Ghostlyend
guzrog 2* guzrog
Hawkstone86 2* arakis99
Holydog413 3 Holydog
Hrythar 2* Hrythar
Jarvin1966 2* Tanek
Javiso_OTG 2* Javiso
Jaynen 2* Jaynen
JCoalts 2 ?
Kasen23 1* Kasen
Katastrophe 2* Netherkat
KeepSix-OTG 3* KeepSix
Kellion_Bane 2* KellionBane
KhaleKitcha 2 KhaleKitha
Krewe365 2* Krewe365
Ks1701 1* Rillarri
Lassiters 3* Lassiter
Lord_bearen 4 Bearen
LordRahl1964 3* LordRahl1964
LupusNoctis42 1* LupusNoctis
MajorLithium 2* MajorLithium
Mala1798 3 * Malagant
marshalwrath 3* marshalwrath
Mattmcgill_OTG 2* mattmcgil
McSire 4* McSire
Megherra 3* Leria
Meklarz2 2* Merklar
M0RDEGAN 1* Mordegan
Myndgames 3* Myndgames
Mysticae 4 * mysticae
Nembo0 1 Nembo
Nightwriter2000 4* nightwriter
ocarwyn68 1* Ocarwyn
Odium-79 2* Odium79
oldpcgamer 1* oldpcgamer
Ordegar 1** Ordegar
OTG_Azathul 2 Azathul
OTG_Bruschi 1* Bruschi
OTG_Coldgrin 2 * Coldgrin
OTG_Darknard 3* Darknard
OTG_DarthMyyk 3* DarthMyyk
OTG_DragonLight 3 DragonLight
OTG_jaz ?* jaz
OTG_Jerrit 1* Jerrit
OTG_Kil 3 * kil
OTG_Lbishop 4 Lbishop
OTG_Nymrix 2* Nymrix
OTG_PeZzy 1* PeZzy
OTG_Poguemohoin 1* Poguemohoin
otg_Pops 4 Pops
OTG_Pullo 1* Pullo
OTG_Rando 1* Rando
OTG_Seanifer 1* Seanifer
OTG_Sparticus 1* Sparticus
OTG_spork 1** Spoon
OTG_Stile 2* Stile
OTG_Syobloot 2 Syobloot
OTG_tycel2004 4 tycel2004
OTG_Ulfur 2* Nightwalker
OTG_Xaric123 3 * Xaric123
OTG_Xyphersyn 1* Xyphersyn
OTG_Zenkai 2 Zenkai
OTG-Kaydus 1* Kaydus
OTG-Warcrime 1* Warcrime
OTGHossman 1** Hossman
OTGidixionee 3* Barlamac
OTGShadowthumpr 1* Shadowthumper
Outlaw-OTG 1* Outlawjwales
Poboy77 2* Poboy
Pherik_fox 1 * shadowborne
ProvokeMe 1** ProvokeMe
Psychoalpha 1* HelloRaptor
Pyaan 3* Pyaan
Radsprokket 1* Amaurea
RanterX 1 ** Ranter
Raven083003 2* ravenjim
Razzorn 2 * Razzorn
redeye466 3 * redeye
Reercho 3* reercho
Rescorla911 2* Rescorla
Reverence140 2* Reverence
Revzman123 1** revzman
Rhaaggar 4* Rhaaggar
RiverRat61 2* Nehebkau
Rockgut 1* Beornin
Rocky_Mtn 3 * Rocky
Ryukhen 1* Ryukan
Saltycrisps 2* Crisps
SantiagoDraco 2* Santiago
Saraandz 1 Saraand
Schplam 2* Schplam
SDKrater 3* Hesslaf
Seemore_Puggins 3* JGP
Senzoba 4 Senzoba
Sidoniealaise 1** SidonieAlaise
Signalls_ 3* Signalls
Sireal 3* Sireal
Sqweee 3* Whatever
SYNfinit 2* Infinit
Templle 1* Templle
TerraRebell 2* Gundersen
The-D-P-R 3* DreadPilotRoberts
Thelget 3* Thelget
ToxicXistence 4 * Frteezerburn
TradecraftOTG 3* Tradecraft
Tross525 2* Tross525
TuTone1138 3* TuTone
Trueblade60 3* Trueblade
Valkarov 2* Valkarov
VegetaVarnay 2 VegetaVarnay
Vowels-OTG 1* Vowels
vxmine 3* vxmine
Wickedkitten3 1* WickedKitten
Wolfuse 2* Wolfuse
WonkoTheSane 4 WonkoTheSane
wyrm67 2* Alia
x_Rekd_x 3* Rekd
xkindreadthx 3* Kindreadth
Xx_Shaedy_xX 3* shaedy
XXX_Mandor 2 Mandor
Zercon. 1 Zercon
Zercon2 4 Zercon
Zhel 1* Zhel

** " ? " is unverified members

This will be an official OTG chapter so all members will have to be verified members of OTG for all of OTG clans in the Division 2

If I missed your name or you don’t see your name on the list, I’m sorry please post with Uplay name and I will add it to the list


we have 3 clans

  1. Old Timers Guild - OTG ………… for invites Zercon. 49

  2. OldTimers Guild - OTG . …………for invites Krewe365 47

  3. OldTimersGuild - OTG . .….… … for invites TuTone1138 47

if your name is not on the list please PM me on forums or discord for placement into one of the clans

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ProvokeMe and ProvokeMe


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thx done

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Can i ask that if we are more than 50, which we probably are, that we make two balanced guilds.
Instead of one with 50 and the other with like 10 or so. That way we all get benefit from the guild bonuses.

edit Seems like we are 85 signed up so far, so it looks like we are gonna be pretty balanced in two guilds, YAY! :slight_smile:

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I would prefer to be in Guild 1, I picked up the Ultimate Edition.

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I would also prefer guild 1, will be starting on the 12th (Uplay name had a typo in it, should be be M0RDEGAN)


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March 12th
Please :smiley:

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ok done

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OTG 1 starting on 12th

OTG 1 please
Starting March 12th

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I’ve got the Ultimate edition so will be starting on the 12th. Feel free to put me where ya need me.

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I’m not starting until the 15th, would prefer Guild 1 but slot me where you need. It’s not as if we won’t be on discord so we can cross-team anyway.

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Sproctor61 = Nehebkau

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I’ll be in the early start on March 12. I don’t have a preference for which guild number I end up in.

As for the unverified member notations currently in the chart, I do recognize several of those names. Isn’t Egile, for example, still an ESO officer? Has been for as long as we’ve had an ESO chapter, I believe.

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Just a note, 49 of those listed were an add from a users list. They may or may not play. So i am not positive we have 50. How about we wait and see, and if we have too many, then we can transfer some from the first guild.

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I’m Jarvin1966 on UPlay. I have the Ultimate Edition so will be on March 12th. Doesn’t matter which guild I’m in as long as it’s the same one as my wife, Kasheera. I’ll get her to post here.

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I’m Belsah on UPlay. I have the ultimate edition too, so I will be on March 12th with my husband Tanek. I just want to be in a guild with him, please.

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