Discord Channel for Pantheon PA-5

Hey folks,

We have an official voice channel in Discord for the PA-5 shakeout sessions coming up over the weekend. It’s under Game Development and is called… Pantheon! This should help folks meet up if they’re playing at the same time.

This channel is not locked. Since we’re still under NDA, please be very careful to ensure that the others in the channel with you are also in the PA shakeout. If someone pops in, please confirm they’re testing as well.



Is this channel going to be up for Dec 5&6

The OTG Pantheon channel is always up for OTG members. It is located under Game Development.

Yep. Thanks, @Dewald.

The channel will be available. As before, just be careful to ensure that when discussing the game only people in the PA are in the channel with you.


I updated the thread title to just reference PA. Now it is future-proof! (at least until Alpha…)