Yes. If you miss with both but don’t critical miss with both, one still hits.
I’m trying to figure out my utility items right now so I can finalize my spells and runes etc.
I went with rogue.
I made a Mastermind Rogue/Archer to replace my Investigator in my face to face game. He seemed pretty cool.
Server up. I’ll be afk. If my computer goes to sleep and you can’t connect, let me know in discord.
I looked into the Aid action for attacks and I’m good with it.
Two things to note:
- You need to describe your actions to make sense for the skill you are using and how it helps.
- Intelligent monsters can do this too.
The difference being if WE do it YOU have to approve it. If YOU do it then WE have to approve it.
I figured I could use the same moves the party does.
This is why @Rando shouldn’t be allowed to talk!
Ruh roh… then wait’ll you hear what he’s gotta say 'bout Haste and Squeezing!
I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t think of this guy week before last… I will probably make him tomorrow anyway. Minotaur Luchador (Wrestler Archetype) not sure which primary class would be best.
! /3char
I’ll most likely miss tonight, my wife and I are both sick. I’m also covered in poison ivy so I’m double miserable. Didn’t get time to fix Eldridge’s build yet so who ever plays him, just heal and it should be good
Hope you both feel better soon.
TLDR: @Daemoro is right, and Foundry is doing all the PF2 damage calculations (apparently) correctly
So, in the Foundry I did the following test.
I swung a +2 striking corrosive flaming halberd at three targets.
The halberd did:
2d10+6 physical = 10+9+6 = 25
1d6 fire = 2
1d6 acid = 3
Total = 30
The three targets:
- A Living Sun-Spire; 14 Hardness, immunity to fire
- A Clay Golem; 10 physical resistance (except adamantine), immunity to acid
- Rando’s Clay Golem; 10 resist all, no immunities
What damage they took:
- 14 to the Living Sun-Spire; immune to 2 fire damage, reduce the remaining 28 damage by 14
- 17 to the Clay Golem; immune to 3 acid damage, reduce the physical damage by 10
- 15 to Rando’s Clay Golem; the 10 resistance did what I thought Hardness was doing and got applied to each separate damage type
I forgot to mention, I’m on vacation next week so I may or may not be a no-show. I’ve got Fantasy Grounds on my laptop, but not Discord. I’ll see about getting it on there, but I also don’t know what I’ll be up to on any given evening, so don’t count on me!
@Uglybugger hope you have fun on vacation even if you don’t get to play Thursday.
Safe travels, hope you have a good vacation