[Finished] SF - Three AP Starfinder Campaign (Saturdays, 8-11 EDT)

@everyone Dammit I got stuck covering someone’s shift tonight until 8:30 so I’m gonna be an hour late. Somebody can play Zabraxas until I get on. It’s easy, hit stuff with Xenolash, click the Xenolash Entangle I set up in my actions, get hit a lot (or only sometimes) and Intervene Intervene Intervene (gotta be adjacent to the intervenee).

I wish it was that easy. You have no idea… /le-sigh

Oh yeah, ding level 18 tonight. Maybe 19 if I decide to fast-forward through even more bullshit.

Oooof, ok now I’m force to go lay some pressure on my boss for dumping on me on the weekend when I have plans. BRB :smirk:

Well that was easier than I thought, told him I couldn’t work past 7:30 and he didn’t object. See ya at 8 :dragon: :fire:

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Just a reminder that I have relatives in town so wont make it. I hereby delegate diplomacy rolls to Sparks!

So regarding the upcoming Arkenstone game, I started looking at Inventor and now I am really thinking about Kobold Inventor with a clockwork dragon minion.

It depends on how well the Inventor class is setup in Fantasy Grounds. If they don’t have constructs and gadgets set up it could be a real PITA.

I’ll stay with my gobbo. How did the game go? Did Sparks dazzle everyone, or was it more murder spree?



Much dazzling. Much murder.

Sorry I missed it, but I did get to take home some homemade butterkuchen my Aunt made. :slight_smile:

I swear I asked you Saturday night if we were playing this in Foundry and you said no, but what do I know :crazy_face:

Foundry it is. I hope they have stuff setup for Inventor or it is gonna be a pain in the ass. I’m gonna go load up Pathfinder stuff on Foundry and see.

Something that occurred to me regarding Foundry and the modules/systems, as far as Starfinder you get a lot of stuff in the user made module that you would have to buy extra books for. All the races from the Alien Archives are in there, all the classes from the various books, I hope it is the same for the Pathfinder stuff.

@Rando what Pathfinder modules/systems are you using in Foundry? I’m looking at installing them, building my character and then importing it into your game.

Also @Rando, which version of the Foundry software are you using: Stable, Testing, Development or Prototype?

Stable (Currently v9, build 269)

Ahhh yes despite having that latest build downloaded Foundry keeps telling me I don’t have the lastest version downloaded and I should go redownload it and reinstall it again even though I have all the current versions installed. :roll_eyes:

Woe is me, Foundry up on my 55" main display, Pathfinder 2e pdfs open on my 23" side display and that 23" just isn’t enough for all this shit LOL :rofl:

@Rando are you starting a separate thread for ALKENSTAR or we just using this thread to discuss it?

Yes, done.

I will miss the Saturday July 2nd game.

So um, next weekend is Canada Day and July 4th, some people may be busy. Let’s cancel and continue on July 9th.