Chris Roberts on Star Citizen

That was my take-away as well. If you like battlegrounds 76 might be fun, just not my cup of tea.

I’m condemning it before it’s out, I know that. I’m not going to pre-order it (first time for any Fallout), I’ll let it launch, let it sit, see how it looks, and pick it up when they support mods and single player servers, after 5 months, on a steam sale :slight_smile:

Wow that sucks.
What a major disappointment. Not surprising though, survival battlegrounds are the rage as you said so most of the big publishers are pushing for that thinking it will make fast cash.

Makes me feel even better to be a Star Citizen backer where trends don’t matter.

I am getting Fallout 76. Just the initial explore mode will be good for me. I will check out how the multiplayer goes. It could be a good game, I will just see how deep they make it. I do hope to see what the nuke looks like in game. XD

I am looking forward to Squadron 42, but that is some ways off.

I ran across this video which includes part of an interview with Todd Howard on single player experience in FO76:

I am an early backer so I don’t mind waiting. Since they moved to the Lumber engine production has vamped up. Their art work takes a loooooong time which seems like part of the process. I wish it was a released game :slight_smile: