But, more importantly, here's the totally off topic cat post

OMG…that is too funny. Poor cat just took out your cat door…

My two cats (who have since crossed that rainbow bridge) use to handle the cat door to the garage a bit differently. It seems as long as they stood to the side and sidled through the door, they had no problem with using the cat door. But heaven forbid they face it squarely…then it was a failure to get through its swivel.

But I remember deciding on the cat door size back when they were very small. I figured because they were part Maine Coon, they just might get fairly large…so I went with a large sized door.

Same here. The one with Believe in Yourself was just awesome! Thanks OTG’ers. and hi Hyoto. :slight_smile:

I had to take the little flap off my cat door because it scared the living daylights out of one of my cats. He just couldn’t come to grips with it. lol. poor thing.


Thank you so much for the laugh. I cannot imagine either of my own cats ever looking that way. Usually, I would see them sorta looking at each other then to me and back again…that is until I figured out they had done something they were waiting on me to react to.

They lit my days up and I sorely miss them these days. Perhaps in the near future I’ll pick up another pet, but for now, I’m taking a break from the responsibilities of pets.

I have one silver tip siamese with crossed blue eyes. He is so darn cute. I’ll have to post him one day. I think he has a smidge of tabby as this tail has the faintest tan circles. He fetches, plays tag, he is so like a dog.
Love, Love, Love him
I understand being pet free until ready. I was with a pet for about 11 years. I was ready.

heat wave here.


Oh How I do love cats!!

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Heh, when my cat was younger, his favorite spot to sit was on top of my 19" Viewsonic monitor. It was warm, he could keep an eye on me, and occasioanlly bat at the mouse pointer.

The cold desk surface just isn’t the same. :crying_cat_face:

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Don’t tell anyone, but I secretly love cat memes and crazy cat videos. =D

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Make sure you watch to the VERY end.


lol…that very last frame…wooot

I would love to know what magic was done to accomplish that. Cat was way too calm and it appeared as though someone added something …hmmmmmm

I’m guessing they split the screen at the end. On one side they paused it. On the other side they let it play. Something like that. Pretty easy to do in some fashion or other, i figure.