After weeks and weeks of waiting, the servers went LIVE today around 2:30 ET.
Since the NA and EU PVE servers merged (supposedly temporarily for a couple weeks), we are playing on the merged public server:
[Colonites] PvE EU The Whale’s Solitude
The ping is the same since the servers are housed in the same place, so no worries about lag.
Most of us will start in the L-12 (north) freeport zone, build a cheap ship and sail to K-11 collecting gold along the way to hopefully claim and pay dues on an island claim.
Hop on OTG’s Discord for updated info! Both text-only and voice channels are available. Time to get yer booty!
I am currently trying to gain access to the new public server Whale’s Solitude. I have 2 friends currently playing on the server and played with them on the Blue Sails server before moving over to this one. I have sent in an application to be accepted into OTG as I am not the age of 25, however I am 20, almost 21 and my father is currently in the guild. My 2 friends I played with on the Blue sails server are Fadari and Splutty. Hopefully they can give me a good word so I can join the server and have a good time!