Application for BDO Chapter - JollyJupiter

Link to your approved OldTimersGuild application:

BDO Family Name: JollyJupiter

Character names and levels:
Erendiz (Warrior) Lvl 42 / DevilWithGlasses (Striker) lvl 54 / Alice_sin (Sorc) lvl 13 / SweetCocoa (DK) lvl 14 / Ryu_Chu (Mystic) lvl 56 / Weiweiwei (mystic )lvl 11 / Jollity (Lahn) lvl 56

Are you more interested in the active progression guild or AFK/Lifeskills/Overflow guild?
I am Interested in the active progression guild.

If you are trying to join with friends and family, please list their names (forum/family) and what guild they belong to: None.

How did you hear about our chapter? (OTG forums, member/friend/family, recruitment ad on a website etc) BDO website recommendation for a mature guild.