Anyone playing or going to play Myth of Empires?

If so I’m on Server Yangzhou in Ninkang county not far from the Northern mountain spawn point 1.

Character Rikor LeGrande.

Let me know if you’d like to connect in game. Not been playing long and the game can be a bit weird, still in EA and some things haven’t been translated very well. I’m currently level 25 and have a small Cabin on a lake. Joined a small guild in game.
Even with the oddities, I like the game and will likely play it a bit along with New World (hoping NW starts to improve a bit)

There are a few of us playing in OTG. You will notice a server named “OTG Myth Server”. Shoot me a PM for the password. (20 player cap, 5 on currently)

If you look in discord, check the text channel #gg-survival-craft-lobby and you’ll see that there is messaging from zokushi about a private server.

He, Red, Cata I, and several others are there. It is passworded, so you will need to message to request the password