Anyone else using Yahoo mail?

I logged into my yahoo email account today and found it had been changed to their new version without any way to reverse to classic. I did a bit of research and found out they are forcing classic users into their new format. Apparently they are doing this because “we decided to streamline” or something to that effect.

I truly dislike being forced to change the look of something I use regularly. Apparently the notification they said they sent to all users never got to me. Regardless, I don’t remember getting that notification but just a quick google search brought that up.

Does anyone have any suggestion as to what email service out there would be a good replacement? I would prefer a truly safe one that doesn’t sell my data. I’m thinking a lot of the spam I’ve been receiving lately is because of data breaches and its time to move away from yahoo.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, lyn


My main email is yahoo - I have not received such an email nor has my email switched to the new format. :crossed_fingers:

I am using yahoo mail. If you go to the left hand sidebar and hit “…” you can go to settings and scroll down. There you can choose “switch to basic mail” and that will revert it to the older format. (Or at least closer than the new one is.)

I already tried that, but that option was not available anywhere on the page.

I use Gmail and hardly get any spam on Gmail, barely a fraction of the spam I get on Yahoo mail which is mainly why I quit using Yahoo mail years ago.

Hmmm maybe it’s because I’m using it in a browser. Are you using it on the app?

Not, I’m using it on my browser…but here’s the thing:

Yahoo is discontinuing older versions of its email client — including Mail Classic — starting this week , the company announced. “Beginning the week of June 3, 2013, older versions of Yahoo! Mail (including Yahoo! Mail Classic) will no longer be available,” it said in a Yahoo! Help post

However, I was able to go back to it twice now since they seem bent on forcing us into the “new” look. I found my email swapped to the new version yesterday afternoon, just an hour after I had been on it using the classic. And all the methods I was able to use before are no longer available. Those reversal links are now gone.

This is what my yahoo mail looks like now:

Now that I switched it to “basic mail” I can’t change it back. LOL well then…

I have not used Yahoo since they got hacked a few years back. I have used gmail for years and love it BUT the only email client you will find that does not invade privacy and read your mail and share everything is Protonmail and similar ones. I switched to that a year ago. Do some research on which emails are private and secure. Proton and Tutu will always show up

Thank you for this info. I appreciate it.


I also use gmail for my non-gaming email needs (ie for work lol). It works great but the layout and look resembles new Yahoo. I think there are several options for changing the look but I’m not sure now.

Well, I so not like the new yahoo. I am getting so many ads and they’ve moved some of the options to change things within the actual email window to the Yahoo front page which is not something I like either.

Sigh…I have 2 gmail accounts that are throwaway ones for things I don’t want clogging up my personal email at all. But recently someone started using one of them from some jail in GA. I reported it and they removed it but it popped back up last week, with a request to verify the email for something that was purchased by that same inmate…gross. So I’m tossing that just as soon as I report it again.

Its getting difficult to find something that will provide good security, no ads, that also stops any phishing attempts which have proliferated more recently. So I went ahead and picked up that Protonmail recommended by maalpractice. It has amazing options without all that mess. I did, however, go for the 15gig storage one that is a minimal cost for a year, if after the year I don’t like it I can close it out without any problems.

I used to have a paid email years ago but that was when I had my pottery business and it was amazingly affordable. Because it was included in my business website account, I was able to include its cost ($15/mo) in my taxes. At that time $15/year was reasonable for a business website too.

Anyway, so far I’m liking this new protonmail. Its got more bells and whistles included than I ever had with Yahoo or even Gmail. So far I’m happy with the switch.


I also have an Outlook account and put all of my emails there, so with one click, I can check everything.

I’ve used yahoo forever (I had an Yahoo email address even before I ever had a hotmail one, lol) and use it daily. Mostly because my internet is with ATT and that I how I access my ATT mail (though I also have a 2nd yahoo account, the aforementioned very first email address I ever got that I let collect spam, in mostly.

All that to say, my Yahoo mail does not look like that at all.

If I were you I’d keep an eye on it. Would hate to think it’s a fake yahoo website now.

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That is how my yahoo mail looked last month…but they kept pushing the “new” look on me and even though I kept reversing it using the “go back” option, that option totally disappeared the other day after they swapped me back to their “new” look. So now I am transitioning out of yahoo mail completely to Protonmail, which I really do like. No ads, nothing interrupting my inbox with unexpected emails I believe were phishing attempts.

I’ve already found peace of mind because I’m not fighting with my email any more.