Any current players

Couple of things…
First, to get some help getting better as a pilot check out this thread: Getting started in Star Citizen

Second, this patch has some really weird bugs. Sounds like you are hitting one of those with the log out issue.

To request landing you want to open coms (F11) and go to contacts tab on the left, then click the little hail button for the traffic control of the location where you are trying to land. For Port Olisar you will just see the name of the station there, for instance.
That will trigger a landing request and in a few seconds you will see a gear icon in your hud that will mark the landing pad you are assigned.
NOT optimal and they know it but it is also not critical at the moment since it does work even if annoyingly not intuitive. So it will get redone in the future.

I have not been in game much lately, just been super busy and not had time to play much.
But I am not in any hurry. I know the state of things right now is less than optimal so I am kinda hanging out until 3.9

Should see some improvement for the connectivity and performance in 3.9 based on Todd Pappy’s talk last week
And we should see ETF testing of 3.9 in about a week or so.