Anthem interest

@kellewic: What settings did you use to make flight possible? I find it totally uncontrollable to the point it’s useless. If it was IRL, I’d be too motion sick to do anything… Keep getting lost, too…

Easiest way to change them (IMO) is go to your Documents in BioWare\AnthemDemo\settings\ProfileOptions_profile (it’s a text file) and change the following:

GstInput.DylanOption_MouseFlightPrecision 0.000000
GstInput.DylanOption_MouseFlightResponse 0.000000
GstInput.DylanOption_MouseFlightSensitivity 0.250000

GstInput.MouseSensitivity 80.000000

GstInput.DylanOption_MouseSwimPrecision 0.000000
GstInput.DylanOption_MouseSwimResponse 0.000000
GstInput.DylanOption_MouseSwimSensitivity 0.250000

These are the value I use and flight is pretty smooth. Swimming is still weird, but manageable.

Thanks, Kellewic. I will try that sometime.

Note: I did try those settings, and it did improve things with some more tweaking; but I gave up and went with my Xbox 360 controller on the PC. MUCH betterer. Very smooth. Play and flight.

I preorder the game!!

That is interesting. Is anyone else able to run the game on something other than Windows 10? Is there another demo scheduled or… what is the next step. Release is scheduled for this month, right?

My computer is running Windows 8. I’m hoping to stay on that computer for another year before replacing it.

I was running the Demo on Windows 7 Pro. I know their website says Windows 10 only; but clearly that wasn’t true. I did have to update my video card driver (nVidia GTX-970M) to the latest, otherwise I just got a blank, black screen. After the driver update - ran fine. Not sure what the FPS was; but it ran smoothly, so I’m guessing at least 50+

Windows 8 - I’m not sure. If it ran on 7, it “should” run on 8 as well… Though if you’ll pardon me - I never liked version 8 (experience at work & with friends), so I never installed it, so I don’t know much about it…

I pre-ordered it and have played the demos on the PC. I’ve been a fan of Bioware for years. I love almost everyone Bioware game Mass Effect , Dragon Age, Neverwinter Nights, etc. I’m looking forward to the EA Origin Access Premier member release on Feb 14th!


Awesome! Will you tell us how the final release product is? It will be a few months before I can play. There’s so many games I have to buy that are coming out too damn close together, damn them!! I have too pick and choose.

@Kelryth Sure. I’ll give an update once I’ve played the released game.

I’ll definitely be playing Anthem at release. I’m Bloody_Brett on Origin, so if anyone who is playing wants to, shoot me a friend invite so we can get together in game!

I got the game for free with new card…Ill be playing some Anthem for sure. I have a few hours in already from the beta.

My love for Dragon Age and Mass Effect is so intense, I just can’t not give Anthem a whirl.
On the other hand, I’m a total neophyte when it comes to MMOs and a pretty lousy shot to boot. I played both demos which (load screen issues aside) were fun but didn’t give me enough story tease.
Since I’ve been a RPG single player all my long life and this game is all about teams, it would be great to find some like long-lived like-minded adventurers to play with.

@TrulyHere Hi, the best way to get Anthem players in your friend’s list is to add some people from this post:
Post your Origin Names here!

You can add me: royalpriest.

Also checkout the Old Timers Guild discord channel “GG - Anthem”. GG=General Games.

Thanks, RP. I’ll add you as soon as they issue the “please don’t brick my PS4” patch. Like you, I prefer single player RPGs and am finding Anthem a bit of a slog - not enough exploration or problem solving and way too much shooting for a D- shot like me. But am not willing to call it quits yet. Hell, I finished Andromeda so I can give this a little more time. Thanks again.

I’ve been following this for a while and thought about getting it but unless things change and Bioware and EA gets their heads out of their collective asses I don’t see much of a future in this game. It doesn’t look good when you piss off your playerbase enough that they start organizing protest boycotts.

Now that it’s available, what is Anthem like?

Worth a purchase or is it a maybe?


I will be honest as a big fan of this game. I seriously mean that. It is fun. But there are some issues that have come to light. BioWare I believe is dedicated to fixing them as they have sworn. They have a great roadmap for the future. I would check back in April to see if they have fixed some stuff, and plus more content should be added by then.

IMO the game I paid $80 for is unfinished. They did very poor quality testing before releasing it. They are now playing catch-up and taking a lot of heat. I’m very disappointed they failed to release a polished game and basically have ask players that have paid for it to be beta testers.

I do have fun playing it. I play everyday with friends. The game can be a frustrating PITA at times. But I can only take BioWares word that they are dedicated to improving and moving forward with the game.

I’ve played it quite a bit; got to max level and have a few mastercrafted pieces for a couple of my Javelins.

I don’t really get the whole negativity about bugs, etc. The game runs great, is super fun to play, and any bugs I’ve encountered are pretty minor (like joining a random mission and not being able to proceed for an unkown reason; but I just leave and queue for another one). Honestly, as game releases go now days this was a pretty damn good one.

Not to argue with you about the bugs but honestly when you step back and really analyze the issues surrounding the game, I can’t agree that they are minor.

So for those on the fence let me lay out what I’m talking about from my personal experience on the PS4 before you shuck out $60 for the game.

Off the top I still have disconnects from the game regularly. In the beginning it was almost every load screen. Right now it’s much less than before but still occurs. While in a menu, vault, or crafting screens it will become unresponsive. I know that soon I will get disconnected. Soon after a message will pop up telling “unknown error”. Then shortly after I will be disconnected.

Frequently while entering or exiting an expedition, mission, stronghold I will be disconnected. This become very frustrating when you are grouped with friends and they have to back out, lose the consumables they had and restart all over again. To make even more frustrating is when we do this and it happens to another friend the next time we try. Plus we could be in the middle of the stronghold where you do have more load screens in between sections due to tethering and disconnects happen again. Then one of your disconnected teammates are replaced by a random. We either all have to back out or finish and leave the teammate to wait it out. This causes frustration and many times friends tend to leave the game for the night.

While I’m on load screens. When you launch a mission you have 1st to load into your javelin, 2nd to load into the mission, 3rd to load into any cave during a mission, 3rd to load out of the cave and back into the world setting, 4th to load into expedition results, 5th to load loot screen 6th to load back to Ft. Tarsis/Forge or enter matchmaking for the Launch Bay social area. Disconnects happen usually in one of those places for me or others in the group.

BioWare recently stated they were aware of the issues surrounding the bugs and asked players who paid $60 or $80 like me to help them find them. And I have to agree with others that this officially makes me feel like I paid to be a beta tester. Others may disagree.

The way the game calculates damage is basically broken. And BioWare has tried to fix it with recent patch but IMO made it worse. They compensated with with making Grandmaster 2/3 enemies have way more damage and huge health pools. I will list the Reddit link that explains this. I have tested it and it is 100% fact.

This is a major problem imo.

Minor bug issue.
Inside Ft. Tarsis I have 3 npcs that want to talk to me. Dax, Matthias, and Jani all have chat bubbles but when approaching they disappear. Still not fixed.

Outside these issues I have had fun with the game. And I have high hopes for it and will continue to look forward to playing it. But be warned that these issues I listed above are real and can be at times very frustrating.

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I want to add in the power score math for what I currently have for gear so you can see the difference with and without the epic support gear.



When you begin to multiply the percentages added for combo damage and gear inscriptions that affect my abilities and ultimate it exponentially increases my damage output if I have a higher gear score.