An update for Taff

Letting you know that I’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer, affecting a lower posterior rib. I have a phone call tomorrow that will update me on my next steps. And this past Tuesday, my Mom was interred on Manitoulin Island, beside her husband (my Pops). Her death became real to me on seeing her casket and that’s when I burst into sobs. Before now, no casket as we had to wait for the ground to thaw so that the grave could be dug. Anyway, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I don’t post much nowadays but I’ll keep you updated. Hugs, folk.


Sorry to hear about your mom. Stay strong and ill keep you in my prayers.

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So sorry for you loss and I wish you all the luck and peace dealing with this cancer journey.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you, both for the loss of your mother and the cancer diagnosis. Hugs back to you! Please keep us updated

So sorry about your mom, and your diagnosis. What a rough time for you right now. Sending positive thoughts for a great and quick recovery. Extra hugs to you!

Huge hugs for you. Sending good vibes your way.

Hi Taff,
Sorry to hear that. Will pray for you!

@Taff sorry about your loss and struggles. Please pm me if you want to pray or even just need a shoulder to lean on and listen

I am so sorry! We’re all thinking of you!

Ack, Taff! So sorry to hear this news. Keep strong and we all return the hugs!

Big hugs to you, Taff!!

Thinking of you Taff. /Hugs

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. Stay strong and you can beat this. My condolences on your Mom.

Sorry to hear about your mom and your cancer diagnosis. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.

Hugs and well-wishes headed your way! Stay strong!

Thoughts and best wishes to you and your family. Friday, June 2nd, marks 5 years since my Mom passed and we spread her ashes (per her request) in the Blue Ridge Mountains on north GA. In some ways it seems like yesterday and in others it seems like 20 years. You hear people say often, when losing a parent especially, they wish for one for chat, one more phone call, one more piece of advice. I never understood until I understood.

Taff, so sorry for the struggles you’re going though right now with your mom’s death and your diagnosis, hugs and will keep you in my prayers.
My wife worked for a doctor whose wife was diagnosed with lung cancer, must have been a lower lung because they removed the part with the cancer and that was over 10 years ago and she’s still going strong.

Taff, you have my fervent prayers. I hope you beat this challenge.

Prayers for you , Taff.

I’m so sorry to hear that. Please stay strong