A little feedback from another player. kudo's to guild

This morning I did a loot transfer from one character to another for another player. As he gave me the material I asked whom to release to. He logged in and I transferred material to the alt. I took a screen to protect myself as we all know there are some shifty people about. After completion, I thanked him for the trust as I was worthy of it. He stated “Old Timers Guild always are”. I thought all in the guild should take some pride in this comment. Thought you all should know.



That’s wicked cool. Thanks for sharing


Very cool!

You know, there’s nothing in our rules that says we have to be The Good Guys. We always are, though. :smiley:

I have had that experience too a couple times. Once in EQ and another in the Conan MMO. I think it’s called Conan Age of Chains now?

Nice feedback!

But is it a wicked pissa? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Also very cool. Thanks for sharing!

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