A day in the life.... a blog by Mischa Hashb'ry

You can have up to 9 retainers, though every one past two adds to your monthly bill at 2$ per additional retainer I believe.

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I have all 9 retainers, and yes you do pay an extra $2 per month for each of them beyond the first 2. Why in the world would you need so many retainers you ask? For the same reason you need a computer with 2 terabytes of storage, because it fills up really fast. Having 9 retainers doing Quick Explorations for me and then selling what they bring back makes me about 1.5 million gil per week without having to do anything else to earn money.

Looks at the seaweed his retainers bring back :scream: and thinks Brogg has hacked the game :wink:

You can get lucky with quick exploration, especially if you can constantly keep your retainers hopping about hunting for things. The new venture coffers they bring back can be serious money if they have jet black or pure white dye in them.

Also, go back to your retainers every so often and adjust prices of items that didn’t sell quickly. Quick explorations tend to bring back the same thing to a lot of players so it can flood the market from time to time. And sometimes it’s better to sit on an item for a bit if there are a lot up on the market atm.

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Oh, and if you are in the process of buying something pricey, take 15 minutes to hop to all worlds on our data center and see where it is the cheapest. You can save yourself a lot of Gil that way.

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Oh, and always try to have your retainers out on a venture so you don’t accidentally reset their class clicking thru menus quickly. Not that I have done that or anything :flushed:

2… TB…? Uh. Right… lol

But yes, lots of retainers to store lots of crafting stuff :stuck_out_tongue: It’s nuts.

I have an alt account that I can use to send stuff back and forth, which I did use for that purpose to sort things and add some long term storage…

One other thing about retainers; gear them up as you can. The higher their ilevel, the higher the areas they can explore and, consequently, the better gear/materials they will bring back. I also need to mention that none of this really applies to you Mischa at your level. It’s more endgame stuff. You concentrate on just playing and enjoying the game and don’t worry about how to make money in the far far future.

Haha, yeah, I was reading all this retainer advice and thinking, “That’s all level 80 advice!”.

I’ve been leveling mine with the Field Exploration missions as I leveled myself, once I got to the point where I was high enough with my GC to rack up enough seals to regularly buy ventures. They take 18 hours, which makes them fire-and-forget, and they don’t cost nearly as many seals.

In my case, I didn’t really have enough seals to throw around on venture coins until about when I unlocked my squadron. All my seals prior to that were going into raising my GC rank so I could unlock my squad and start leveling THEM up. I like to have the option of using my squad idiots to run dungeons on alt jobs. They level slowly, so I wanted to get them going as early as possible.

You can get venture coins from leves, too, as a lowby, but it’s a dribble and not the most gripping content in the game.

As a funny aside, all my squad members are Lalas, because of course they are.

I’ve been enjoying my time in FFXIV. So much content to plow through. Great story.

So much has happened, but I don’t want to overload any one blog, so dolling it out as I have time. Today’s tip, when is crafting a GOOD distraction??

My personal suggestion is to grab yourself the nearest gathering class. Whatever is in your home town. Even if you don’t want to craft. Gather enough stuff while you’re out doing your story line or whatever to gain the “sneak” skill. Sneak is awesome. You can gather while sneaking (snuck?). You can mount and ride through while sneaking (snuck?). You can put on your gathering weapon, sneak thought that huge pack of aggressive mobs between you and your story line quest, put your proper gear back on, and save a ton of time killing stuff.

Check out the shiny sneak indicator. And she looks so serious hacking at that plant. Clearly these things take serious concentration.

And for fun, I’m pretty sure I know which end up forward, but… (butt…) Cracks me up, pun intended. Not like any bunny I’ve ever seen!

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Ladybugs are mean… just saying :slight_smile:

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My computer went poopy (again!) Sigh, I bought a high-end Alienware computer for the first time and I am on the THIRD motherboard! Anyway, could you let them know that I will be back :slight_smile:

DrBabs, I dropped a note in Discord. Good luck with your hardware.

My Alienware Area 51 from 2009 is still chugging along and plays anything as long as it doesn’t require AVX CPU extensions. :slight_smile: Of course, Dell had no part in constructing my PC. :smiley:

Sorry, you are having PC issues.

Sigh! They got it fixed on Tuesday (new motherboard, new PSU, new memory) and it was going great. It popped up that it needed updates so I did them like the good CS person that I am. Of course, it had a bios update in there and I think “That makes sense since it is new motherboard.” BAH it crashed it! They are sending me a new one but it will be a week or two :frowning: I have never in my life lost it on a Customer Service Rep but boy did my head blow completely off this time. After I did the update and it wouldn’t come back up, I started looking for a way to get it going again and all over the place people are saying “Don’t do BIOS update through their update software” SIGH! I had to ask the guy, if you know it is an issue with your update software WHY ON EARTH IS IT STILL THERE??? Anywho, if you have a Dell product, DO NOT upgrade the BIOS through their update software :frowning:

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I don’t have Discord on my work lappy so I will check it out when the new rig (hopefully not another BRICK) gets here!

Sorry, Hash! I didn’t mean to take over your blog!

No way, do it! I’ve been busy and hit that mid level boring kind of chunk. I mean, I’m having a blast, but not as interesting to someone on the outside reading, I felt.

Oh hell no…