60th Birthday Yesterday - 25% of my Life has been with OTG

Well I made it to 60 years old, and I gotta say, all said and done, I have few regrets. As I was thinking about it, I realized I have been with OTG for over 15 years, thats a quarter of my entire life.

When I became disabled, and in my worst pain, I knew I could log onto voice chat and I would complain, and someone would always make me feel better. I really don’t think I could of made it without that support. You guys keep me going… you are as much my family as anyone can be.

Thank you OTG…what the heck, let’s do ANOTHER 15… I’m GAME (see what I did there?)


Hey Happy Birthday, I just hit 60 also irl! I’m a couple years behind you, as I joined OTG in 2012!

Wow, wonder if there is a badge for that :smile:
I am nearing 60 myself but can’t remember how long I have been an OTGer.
Here’s to another 15!

Happy Birthday yesterday! That’s a while to be with OTG! I’ve been here for 12 so almost but not quite as much of my life (since I’m 61). Happy Birthday some more!

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday! It is great to read posts like this one, I have personally only been with OTG for the last few years and very much regret not stumbling across it earlier. This community is very special and helped me fell better while dealing with similar things. I also wish you another 15 years.

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Grats on hitting level 60! :smiley:

I hope you had an awesome birthday!

Happy birthday! Right there with you and OTG. Hit my 15 year mark with OTG in February of this year.

I’m not 60 yet, but I will still be with OTG when I hit the 60 mark!

Again, happy birthday, and see you in game!

Happy Birthday (belated), Bones!


Bit late to the party (I do it all the time, ask my IRL friends), but Happy Birthday! May you have many happy years of gaming ahead of you.

Happy Birthday!

59 for me next month and in OTG since LOTRO in 2008. I guess that’s quarter of my life. Wow.

Happy Cake Day!

Happy birthday! :slight_smile:

While my 60th was on May 7th, I know how you feel, Bones.

Especially with what I did yesterday.

Here’s a copy of the post I put on FB today:

For those interested in how i’m doing, I screwed up yesterday and did a very much of an old man thing on the way home yesterday.

I took a misstep getting onto the bus, tripped and fell, catching my right foot between the bus and the curb. This caused the inside of my lower leg to ram up against the edge of the floor of the bus in the doorway with a downward striking blow. At the time it just hurt a bit and there didn’t appear to be any damage to the leg, so I was able to get up, get on the bus, then ride to my bustop and walk home.

A couple of hours later, though, when I got up from my computer to come downstairs to go to bed, I noticed that that part of my leg was really hurting, so when I got downstairs I took a look at it and noticed a bruise developing. Since then my leg has been hurting when I needed to get up to go to the bathroom and when I got up this morning, the bruise on the muscle was about the size of my left fist and getting “nicely” dark.

If it keeps getting worse, I may have to take some time off work to see my doctor and get more time off for it to heal… And I am a slow healer, so I hope it’s good to go in 3 weeks when my eldest niece gets married. :slight_smile:

Chantillary, happy belated birthday. Sorry about your leg and hope healing is swift.