Here’s an article about the 10 things you should do first. It details power armor location, hazmat suit loc, and minigun spawns.
isle posted a link in another thread here with some of the latest news. I found the PVP section interesting. A good reason to stash all your junk…after scrapping it.
" How Does PvP Work?
When you shoot someone you do a little bit of damage, which can be equated to lightly slapping them in order to challenge them to a duel. In response to this, the other player can choose to ignore or engage. If they engage in a battle with you, they’ll start to take full damage. The one who is killed in this consenting PvP match has the option to seek revenge. Doing so gives that person the opportunity to get double the rewards granted they’re successful.
If you’d rather choose to ignore a PvP match, there’s no way to escape being killed–despite the small damage dealt to you during the initiation phases. However, if you are killed by a player under these circumstances, that player becomes a Wanted Murderer and will receive no rewards from having killed you.
A Wanted Murderer is marked on the map as a red star and a bounty is placed on their head. Players looking to cash in on this bounty aren’t visible on the Murderer’s map. If the murderer is killed, the money from that bounty is taken out their stock.
In order to give players time to properly acclimate to how Fallout 76 plays, PvP won’t be available to players until level five. And if you perish from any PvP encounter, the only thing you’ll lose is the junk you’ve been collecting, which can be reclaimed after death if not already picked up by other players. You can always store junk in stashes found around the world, so as to safeguard a portion of your stock. Armor and weapons are retained in your inventory after death."