Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (Group A) Thursday evenings *OPEN*

I clicked the links so I guess I’m in? I’m not sure how to create my character in roll20. It just asks me about importing a character. Maybe I can’t do that yet. I am so excited about this. I can’t wait to play.

OMG I just realized 23rd was last night. I have been so busy at work lately I forgot. I had permission from wife and everything and spaced out. I have been so looking forward to this. Can I still be in? Did I miss my opportunity to roll a character? Again I can fill just let me know what everyone landed on. I cant believe I missed this. So mad at myself

It’s the 17th. :smiley:

Was session zero last night?

@jpmo no, yesterday was the 16th. Next Thursday is the 23rd so you didn’t miss anything.

Thank god. I got confused with the Discord info

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@jpmo I would not have let session zero gone by without trying to contact you if you weren’t there.

I joined the Discord server and the Roll20 game. Looking forward to learning and playing the game with all of you.

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today is the 17th the 23rd is on next Thursday

You all should now have permissions set for the Game A channels on my Discord. Please bring any Discord channel problems to my attention.

@ocelot @Greylin-Reshanis @jpmo @Yamakawa @fenwald @lalanehla

Heads up everyone, we may have to postpone session zero until next Thursday. We just had a bad ice storm in my area and lost of people are without power. I have power but my internet is down and there is no eta on when it will b e back up yet. I will keep you all up to date on what is going on when I have any idea when my internet will be back up.

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Damn that Frost Maiden. Someone needs to do something about that.


Now you will have even more incentive to want to defeat the Frostmaiden.

Looks like my internet will not be up until tomorrow morning so the session zero will be moved to next Thursday, March 2nd at 7pm EST.

Hey y’all,

I’m unfortunately going to have to drop out of this group and yield my spot to someone else. I’m taking a course that’s currently demanding more of my time in the evenings than I expected and I guess I’ve spread myself a bit thin.

@Ryukan , I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for putting this game together and offering me a spot. I know y’all will have fun!

Best wishes,

Game now has 2 open slots if anyone is interested.

Update @Jendai has switched to the Thursday game giving you 5 players and I am going to lock it at 5 players.

Oh no not Jendai :slight_smile:

At least I’m a comrade this time and not your nemesis. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very true

@Greylin-Reshanis @fenwald @Jendai @lalanehla @jpmo

Hello all, I must unfortunately postpone the start of the game by one week. I don’t do this lightly however, last night I got a call and there has been a death in my close family. I will be out of town Thursday through Saturday or Sunday for the funeral and the family gathering. So I am sorry to have to postpone the start a bit, but that is about as bad as it gets. I have edited the start date to reflect this so the new start date will be next Thursday, March 23rd at 7pm EST. Thanks for sticking with me and we will get this started next week. I will be in touch with you guys this week to make sure everybody is set and ready to go.

Take as much time as you need. Sorry you must go through this.