thanks grey will do.
Awesome, finally have time to set up discussed. I’ll be contacting you Saturday
hey man i have room in the clan for you, i just need you to leave the clan your in so i can invite you.
Hi, looking to join the OTG clan, ingame name is Deathlives43ver and im currently MR 22 and been playing the game on and of since it came out. Already sent ingame friend request to Thormbus
As a reminder to all who are currently in the otg warframe clan. Discord is REQUIRED! that means in discord able to hear and respond to your clanmates. being in discord muted and defaned will not be considered as using discord, nor will posting in the text channel once in a while. When railjack (emperion) goes live if you are not activly using discord you will be dropped from the clan. no exceptions no excuses this has been a rule for several months now,and headsets are cheap at wallmart and on amazon. Those who do not participate with the clan will be removed, those who wish to stay in the alliance who loose their spot in the clan must contact me and i will get you a spot in a alliance clan. We need active players who are able to communicate with each other via discord to play through the new content. At the start it will be to coordinate 4 people at a time in 1 ship in combat. Then once squad link is added it will be 2 teams of 4 on different planets or zones. typing is not a option for this. If you have issue with this feel free to contact me.