Forums very confusing

I never thought of muting things ty!!

Fyi, you can mute at different levels, too. You can mute just parts of a game’s forums, or mute the whole game by muting at the “base”.

I’ve several that I want to hear some chatter but not all, and some I’ve muted at the root. :grin:

@Mosselyn, love your “until you’ve gagged everything you don’t care about” descriptor.

Thanks for the chuckle. :joy:

Perfect…thanks for that info.

It certainly would be nice to be able to setup a “friends” listing, but I’ve not figured out how yet…not for want of trying tho.

I don’t think there’ s a friend list. What would want to be able to do via one if you had it? Maybe we can figure out an alternative solution between us. :slight_smile:

I had one setup on the older forums of the folks I frequently interacted with and it was easier than sorting through the members’ list to find them. As I remember, we were able to have groups which included individuals we played certain games with or were involved in a static group with or similar, which made it really easy to send a single pm out to all, if you had to bow out of an event, or for any reason were unable to attend.

You can start a group PM here with everyone in your event group and just keep it going, adding and subtracting members as needed.

This forum does have groups, but… they need to be set up by admins.

Thanks, did not know that.

I am glad I saw this, because I was going to post a grumpy old man rant. I have been annoyed with these new forums for some time. There just is not the same level of interaction anymore. It isn’t a clean layout (read: that I can navigate easily). I tried messing around so see if I could get it old school, but that doesn’t seem to be an option. I guess I’ll just get back in my chair on the porch.

I think this article reflects the change in forum style:

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I completely agree with that post. I’ve seen it at work. The “things just work” model of the iPhone has led to a generation that REALLY doesn’t seem to know what to do when things go wrong with their technology at work and a working knowledge of structures is needed to troubleshoot.

That said, I find myself moving to a hybrid. My directory structure has gotten flatter, there are still sub-directories, but less of them, and I use the search function within them. I’m not sure if it is better or worse, but it has given me a neural model that is plastic enough to work with younger as well as older co-workers.