Devtracker Tidbits

If I have an Evocation bonus in my gear, will it have any effect on my Rune Arm DC’s or does that have to be a specific bonus like what is on the Legendary Construct Champion’s Bands?
I just got a Toven’s Prototype and was wondering about crafting the Evocation +9 into the tier 3.

Dev: Evocation DC boosts (of all kinds) apply to Rune Arm shots, in addition to Runearm-specific boosts like Rune Arm Focus.

Do they stack with a Rune Arm Focus bonus or just override the lower number?

Dev: They stack.

Character log-out time is (in most but not all cases ) directly related to the size of your character on the database. The logout time is used to safely ensure that your character data is backed up properly, so the larger that data is , the longer it takes to log out. The following things contribute to it ( this list is not exhaustive, but covers most things in the process that are player-facing ):

  • Actual base character data (levels, feats, etc) - This is pretty standard, but a little bigger the higher level you are
  • Effects on you (this can vary between characters by a lot, but usually is a little bigger the higher level you are too)
  • Number and complexity of items in your inventory (we have to save all your items, and all the effects on those items, so the more of them there are and the more complex those items are, the longer it takes to log that data)
  • Number and complexity of items in your personal (non-shared) bank for that character (same as inventory).

So if you’re a high-level character with a lot of complex items in your inventory and bank, you’re going to have a longer logout time than other characters in most cases.

In response to Horizon Walker Scattershot complaints:

Scattershot doesn’t pay any attention to what you have targeted. Here’s how its flow goes:

Expend one charge to randomly select up to three different enemies at close range and shoot one arrow at each of them.

  1. When you push the button, you detect all enemies in a short area in front of you, and stuff them all in an array.
  2. If there are more than zero enemies in the array, randomly select 1 enemy out of that list.
  3. We remove that enemy’s name from the array.
  4. We attempt to fire an arrow at that enemy.
  5. We repeat 2-4 two more times.

That said, if the enemy it found is moving or ends up blocked or anything to that effect, arrows can miss, just like any other ranged attack. We’ll keep looking into it, like I said we’ve got some things we’re investigating.

Wow, evidently haven’t seen anything interesting in nearly 2 years. Be that as it may, this struck my fancy.

Monsters treat mounted players differently, their less likely to aggro and if they do aggro they break aggro quicker, and if the target is mounted and a decent distance away they’ll remove themselves from the dungeon alert level to, so dungeon alert doesn’t stick to much if you move through a landscape mounted. This is by design.

rabidfox said:
We’ve never had any official SSG response to the reaper lockout for heroic quests when epic leveled having changed with a recent update. It used to be quests lvl 19 or lower were locked from being able to enter on reaper when a character was level 20 over above. A recent update changed this to follow the same 4 above base lock so a 20 could enter lvl 16 quest on reaper (within the 4 above base range). But there’s been zero patch notes and zero feedback from SSG on this. The new quests are base 18. Was this reaper lockout change on purpose and intended to promote the new quest level choice? Or was this bug? Could someone from SSG finally answer this question.

Cordovan: I can’t speak as to why this was not in the original Update 59 release notes as I happened to not personally be available that release day nor the leading days prior, but yes, this was an intentional change in Update 59.