PSA Measles Vaccine if born 63-68 u may need 2nd shot, it happend to me

I attended school k-12 in Missouri’s 3rd largest city & went in the Navy after that. My shots have always been up to date & verified many times. There has been a lot of Measles cases in the news and I came across this story.

My Doctor had me take a Measles Antibody blood test - cost $57, not sure if Insurance will pay for this.
Turns out I to not have enough of the antibody and require a booster shot, which was a total shock to me.

I don’t want to start a debate about vaccines as I know there are some that don’t believe in them.
I’m sharing this with my family & friends out of concern for their health & well being.


Thanks, mmow, good info. Certainly enough to warrant a question to my primary care physician on my next visit.

And don’t worry about vaccine discussions. As long-time geeks, we in OTG are big believers in science. :smiley:

If you were born in or after 1957, make sure you got 2 doses of measles vaccine. You can get an antibody titer done, but you can also just go get a vaccine - it won’t hurt, much[tm].