Anyone love their rogue?

I thought I’d lvl a void elf to get the class armor… I figured I’d try a new class…

I’ve taken this toon to about 35 … splitting that time between outlaw and subtlety … and, it’s not my favorite …

Does anyone else love their rogue? Does it get better?

Is this question so subjective it’s not even worth asking???

I had a lot of fun with assassination from previous expansions. Maybe give that a try?

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I couldn’t get mine past 30 so you are doing well!!

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I boosted mine to 110 so I could pickpocket lock boxes to send to my Horde main for the insane title. I like that part. :slight_smile: I leveled one years ago and enjoyed her, but that was back in Cata,

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I have never been able to get the hang of Rogue. Was the 3rd character I rolled in the first year of launch, and I still can’t figure out how to play the class in any way that allows me to survive in a real fight.

My Frost Mage feels like a Tank compared to a Rogue.

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I Love Rogue!!! It’s my main. But I am Forsaken and I will kill the alliance… it does get better, just FYI

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Rogue has always been one of my favorite characters to play. I raided as a main rogue for a bit but the loss of my tank spec ended up not being viable long term. Playing the rogue however has always felt fun. The 3 different specs play differently and really round out the class as a whole. Generally I personally play Sub, the Assassination and Outlaw are both fun to play.

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thanks for the feedback, not going to give up on him yet!